Part 14: Call

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Yoongi and Jimin were both woken up by the sound of Yoongi's phone ringing right next to them.

Yoongi reached over looking at the caller ID before sighing and answering it praying it wasn't work related.

"Good morning Jungkook." Yoongi said in a tired groany voice earning a chuckle through the phone.

"Good morning Yoongi hyung. Taehyung was wondering if he could talk to Jimin?" Jungkook said slowly dragging it out which Yoongi could already tell was to tease Taehyung.

Yoongi looked down to see if Jimin was awake and saw him looking up at him with one eye and rubbing the other with his hand.

"Yeh I'll pass it to him in a second but first I think I need to remind you not to tease Taehyung too much." Yoongi said feeling slightly bad for the pup since he knew how mischievous Jungkook could get.

One time putting chocolate balls in ramen for Jin to eat when he went to his house for dinner.

Jungkook quickly said "I know I know. But it's fun." Which caused Yoongi to sigh pulling the phone from his ear.

"It's for you Jimin." Yoongi said handing the other his phone, Jimin then resting it on the side of his face so he didn't have to move and could hold onto Yoongi.

"Hello?" Jimin asked in a surprisingly low morning voice.

"Ah good morning Jiminie hyung. You got the phone surprisingly quick, I hope Yoongi hyung isn't being too moody around you." Jungkook said waiting for a response.

Jimin tiredly said "He's not been moody but thank you for your concern." Still being a polite boy even if he was just rudely woken up.

"Ooo that's good. Anyways Taehyungie wants to talk to you so I'll give the phoneeeee tooooooo himmmmmm nowwwwwww." Jungkook said slowly pulling the phone away from him where it was quickly taken by Taehyung.

"JIMINIE!" Taehyung practically screamed done the phone.

"Hello TaeTae." Jimin greeted still half asleep but smiling because he got to hear his best friends voice.

Taehyung had so many questions and attempted to ask them in one go asking "Are you okay? Did you sleep well? Have you had breakfast yet? Did-"

Jimin was quick to stop this though with a chuckle saying "I'm fine. How are you doing TaeTae?"

This phone call that was supposed to be quick turned into over an hour long call which made Jungkook thankful that he had unlimited calls.

Jimin assumed Yoongi had gone back to sleep when in reality he was just resting his eyes as Jimin played with his shirt.

"I should go because Kookie wants to show me this game called Overwatch." Taehyung said half sad and half excited, just wishing Jimin was with him so he could keep talking with him and Jungkook.

"Have fun TaeTae I'll see you soon." Jimin said through the phone then adding "I have to go to." Sensing the sadness in the boys voice knowing it would help if he said he was busy too.

"Bye bye then Jiminie. Love you." Taehyung said through the phone with his boxy smile basically going through the phone with the message.

"Love you too Taehyungie. Good bye." Jimin said pulling the phone from his face not knowing how it worked.

He jumped when the screen suddenly lit up reviewing a picture of Yoongi hugging a giant black and white bear mascot - aka kumamon.

He then started tapping the phone to try and make it turn off but instead ended up sliding and opening the camera which made him jump.

Jimin didn't realise but Yoongi decided to open his eyes and see what the kitten was going to do.

Jimin looked down at the phone screen cautiously with a confused face lifting it closer thinking that'd do something.

When it didn't he started to growl cutely before mumbling "Turn off." Which coincidentally in that moment the screen did.

Jimin's eyes widened in shock that it worked thinking he was a wizard for a moment before feeling it illogical - like this universe wasn't already.

"You done on the phone?" Yoongi asked lifting his hand up to play with Jimin's hair.

Jimin nodded before moving his head in Yoongi's hand a little.

"I'll call the maid to come clean up and then we can go out shopping for some stuff, does that sound okay?" Yoongi asked getting a "Yep." In response.

Yoongi got up first saying "You can borrow some of my clothes." Before going into his closet which Jimin was convinced had everything in it.

Jimin sat on the bed playing with the pillows until Yoongi came back.

Yoongi came back with some grey sweat pants, a large white shirt and some timberland boots that Jungkook had bought him which were too small but Jungkook lost the receipt to get them exchanged.

He handed them over to Jimin telling him he could get changed in Yoongi's room and to knock on the closet door when he was done.

Jimin nodded amazed by the clothes he was handed which easily could have been the fanciest clothes he'd ever touch even if it wasn't fancy in the slightest.

Jimin got changed slowly, struggling with the buttons and laces before giving up completely and just knocking on the door.

Yoongi managed to get dressed and reorganise some of his closet in the time it took Jimin to change so he was curious as to why it took so long but upon opening the door he knew why.

Yoongi wore ripped black skinny jeans, a plaid shirt and black converse as well as some jewellery to accessories.

"Would you like some help?" Yoongi asked chuckling at Jimin's half done up buttons - some of which were done in the wrong holes - and knotted laces.

Jimin looked down blushing lightly nodding.

Yoongi was taking the note that Jimin got shy very easily and also wasn't the best with fidgety things.

Yoongi first undid the buttons which were done wrong doing them correctly then doing the rest up with ease, he then crouched down and did the laces just as fast.

"You look good." Yoongi commented with a gummy smile appreciating his excellent clothing choice and the boy wearing them.

Jimin blushed unable to make eye contact replying "Thank you so do you." Which earned him a head pat.

"We should get going before it gets to busy at the shops." Yoongi said before leading Jimin out of the house deciding since it was nearly dinner they'd skip breakfast - which you shouldn't do.

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