A night to remember

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(Y/n) - Your name
(L/n) - Last name
(H/c) - Hair color
(E/c) - Eye color
(S/c) - Skin color


It was evening.

(Y/n) stood in the grand ballroom against the wall, lined side by side with all the other maids of the castle.

The female had her arms behind her back and a huge smile on her lips. She was tapping her foot impatiently on the ground, hardly able to contain her excitement. For tonight was exceptionally grand.

The upcoming celebration that was just hours from starting would be the largest and most expensive in all of Harlem. It marked the return of the kingdom's own Prince William. The mysterious young man that nobody had seen in 4 long years.

But it was even more so special to (Y/n). For this would be her first time ever attending this type of party. Well, not really attending, more like catering. And for a servant of her position that made it all the more special.

The (e/c) eyed female leaned forward slightly, peering around the assembly of workers to see each lavish guest that entered through the ginormous doorway. Each individual draped head to toe in fine jewels and fancy clothes. It was memorizing to the young woman. She felt like a mortal among gods. Like being present at one of the most beautiful parades, able to bask in the glory of people she'd never dream of being close to.

A hand came forward and roughly pushed her back into place.

"Stay still." The person in question hissed warningly.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes subtly to the side as her back made contact with the wall.

"Don't start with your attitude, (Y/n)." The voice scolded. "You remember what Lady Adelaide said, one-"

"One screw up and we're all fired." The female finished with a nod of her head. "I heard, Martha. She practically spit the entire sentence into my mouth."

Martha, as she was called, nodded once. Turning her head forward like the rest of the workers.

(Y/n) couldn't help but give her a disappointed look.

Martha was a short and chubby girl. She had frizzy blonde hair which was always kept in two braids. But above all, she was kind of annoying. But sadly, she was (Y/n)'s only friend in the whole castle. When she first started working as a servant at the castle she noticed not many young people worked there. It was mainly older women and men who wanted nothing to do with her. Martha was an exception.

The blonde girl fidgeted uncontrollably, shifting her weight and glancing around the gradually filling ballroom. Growing more uneasy with the amount of people she'd have to be serving.

(Y/n) watched her for a moment before lightly nudging her friend.

"Hey," She said with a gentle smile. "Relax. You can't come to a party and not have fun."

Martha shook her head and looked down at her feet. "If it were up to me I wouldn't even be here." She replied despondently, giving a pessimistic look. "I'd be home. With my cat and my special lamp shaped like a tree. And we'd fall asleep in our special chair and just dream. That's what I want." Martha had her eyes closed grinning widely. As if dreaming with her cat was something to be happy about. But if it eased her nerves, then (Y/n) wasn't about to ruin that for her.

The ballroom was nearly full now and up front, the royal announcer made his way to the stage positioned against the large glass windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. You could see the stars shining beautifully, mix that with the warm light of the ballroom and it was the perfect concoction resulting in an elegant event.

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