Oh dear

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William led her into his room, shutting the door. A huge smile on his face the whole time as he brought her towards his bed.

(Y/n) had never been in the prince's room before other than once to clean it. Being inside on any other occasion besides cleaning made her feel wrong. Why, she wasn't quite sure.

"Please, please. Sit with me." He gestured to the mattress. They sat on the left edge of the bed. The young woman sat with an abnormally straight posture while William gripped her hands in his. "I'm so sorry. About everything. My father, my actions, all of it." He hugged her. "You can have your job back, hell I'll pay you just to stay here with me." He pulled away looking much happier than he was a minute ago.

She was able to see him closer and in better lighting. His blue eyes now seemed to dullen despite them sparkling when they looked at her. He was wearing plain clothing similar to the outfit he had on the first night they spoke. His bandaged hand rested on top of her own and she couldn't help but look at it.

"Thank you, but... How's your hand?" She asked softly.

William hesitated to retract his limb, hiding it by his side. His head tilted down and broke eye contact for a moment. "Oh, i-it's fine." The young man found it sweet that she was concerned for him. He was actually a bit glad. For he thought she was upset with him. "Thank you for asking."

There was silence, then (Y/n) opened her mouth and asked. "And Elliot? How is he-"

"Why do you care about how he is?" William's head snapped up and he gripped her hand tighter. His brows were furrowed in annoyance, which startled the girl just a bit.

She attempted go ease him. "I-... Well, I was just wondering because..." She trailed off, not even wanting to speak of it. Scenes and glimpses of the incident the night previously replayed themselves in her mind. She could only close her eyes and shake her head to rid herself of them. "Nevermind..."

William's irked expression softened. He rested his forehead on her, inhaling deeply to savor her smell. It wasn't anything like perfume, no it was far too natural. Her own personal fragrance that nearly drove him insane. Something he'd grown akin to from being around her so long.

The male traced his hand from hers up her arm slowly. "I don't want to talk about anyone else," His hand continued upwards lightly and (Y/n) felt goosebumps appear on her skin where he trailed his fingertips. "I only want to have you for myself..." He said this so lowly, raising his head and moving his lips close to her ear.

Now the girl gasped and jumped up from where she sat.

William fell forward slightly, snapping out of his hypnotic state. His half closed eyelids opening wide as he looked over at her standing figure. There was a red tint on her cheeks and her (e/c) eyes were wide staring back at him.

He sat up straight. "Is something wrong?"

The girl looked around the room, inexplicably uttering noises as she thought of some rational explanation for his actions. "I-I... What-... No, no, but-"

"Well then come here." He cut her off and smiled, reaching out for her hands only to have her snatch back.

"No." She said with a more stern tone of voice. "William we talked about this." She then spoke, holding her arms crossed in front of her as if to shield herself from him. "You said it yourself. We're friends. Nothing more."

The young man looked at her for a long time. A grim face and as still as stone, the only thing indicating that he was alive being the rapid up and down movement of his chest. After some time he looked down, as if he was ashamed of what he'd done.

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