What they see

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"(Y/n)?" Martha voiced as her friend strolled into the locker room.

The (h/c) haired girl had dark circles beneath her (e/c) eyes, her hair sloppily combed together. Her uniform was wrinkled, as if she didn't even bother to change out of it yesterday. She had crusted tears in the corners of her eyes and she slumped against the side of the lockers as the rest of the maids left leaving only them.

The concerned blonde approached her friend and crouched beside her.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?"

A loud sob escaped the girl's mouth at that, she buried her face in her hands. "I made a horrible mistake, Martha..." Her cries were muffled behind her hands. "Something inexcusable that I can't fix."

Martha watched her friend's shoulders shake. She rested a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "I'm sure that's not true. Anything can be fixed after all, (Y/n)."

Perhaps that was true. But at the time (Y/n) felt like the world was crumbling beneath her.

"...There's no use crying." She sniffed wiping her tears on her sleeve. "I did enough of that last night." (Y/n) stood up and checked the schedule board only to see that her chores changed again, and there was even less of them!

She made an annoyed expression. "You're serious?!" Usually anyone would be happy to do as little work as possible. But (Y/n) was just so upset today, work was the one thing that was supposed to distract her.

The garden patio, the library, and the ballroom. All places that required minimum amounts of work ensuring that she'd have a full day to do nothing.

"(Y/n)?" Martha patted her friend's back. "If you want I could do your chores. Besides, you should go home and-"

"No. That's the last thing I want to do." (Y/n) inhaled deeply, exhaling through her mouth. She brushed down the weirder parts of her hair and dusted off her uniform. The female stood and skipped over to the stack of crates that contained cleaning supplies. She picked one up and went over to the door.

"See you later, Martha."

Her frizzy haired friend gave a peculiar look, but still raised a hand and waved. "Bye?..."

(Y/n) walked down the hall towards the garden, a place she seemed to be going to a lot lately. As she exited from the corridor into the large and heavily lighted area she spotted something strange. The small silhouette of a boy standing against the glass doors. (Y/n) came to a stop and tilted her head. Why was there a child in here?

"Um... Hello."

At this the kid turned his head around. He had an expressionless face and dark hair, looking oddly familiar. (Y/n) could see now as she came closer that the boy had something in his hand. Something he was using to draw on the glass! She dropped the crate at her feet. "Hey! What are you doing?!" (Y/n) full on sprinted over to the boy, snatching the marker from his hand.

He grimaced and kicked the female in her shin making her yelp and drop the marker! He went to pick it up only for her to reach for it as well. When she did he pulled it out her grasp throwing it in her face as hard as he could!

"OW!" She held the part of her face where she was hit, giving the child enough time to run out of sight.

(Y/n) frowned, beginning to go after the mysterious boy. "You little-"


The single word came from another voice. Someone's voice who was much deeper and angrier.

(Y/n) slowly entered the hallway to see none other than Gossamer, pulling and tugging on the little boy who fought back with all his might.

"Stop it!" He hissed, pulling on the boy's sleeves. "Dad said for you to listen to me! Do I need to go get him?!"

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