A new feeling

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William walked apathetically down the corridors of the main floor. He had no idea what the other men were doing running about wildly in his home, and he didn't care. He felt something heavy in his chest, like he had made a mistake of some kind.

'Do you like (Y/n)?'

The question replayed in his head like a broken record. And each time it played he came up with no answer. How could he like the girl? He had only just met her a day ago. Until now, he didn't even know she worked at the castle. It was something about her that seemed to draw him in from the start but he wasn't sure that it was likeness he was feeling.

A blur of (h/c) hair from the corner of his eye caught his attention.

"(Y/n)." His entire body contorted to face her. The feeling of triumph overwhelming him as he thought he found her first. Then the feeling of disappointment settled in upon seeing it was just another worker.

"Your highness?" The random servant addressed.

William turned away, his ecstatic expression fading. "Nothing... Resume your duties."

Footsteps echoed as the woman left.

William felt his heart beat return to its normal pace. It was surreal to him how he grew excited at the thought of it being (Y/n).

'(Y/n)...' A warm and comforting feeling arose in his chest at the thought of her. 'Where did you come from?...' A gentle smile crossed his lips. 'The heavens themself maybe...'

A faint laughter was heard off in the distance. William became alert, as this was not just any laughing. It was undoubtedly (Y/n)'s and-

"Ezra." He was beginning to hate that guy.

William marched off, hearing the laughing begin again. Following it like a dousing rod to a well. It was coming from somewhere on the main floor, and eventually he pinpointed it to be the library.

A large room with bookshelves built into the walls. A fireplace in the center of the back wall and three sofas. William's mother and father deemed it to be the most beautifully decorated room in the whole castle.

When the white haired male came to the doorway his heart sank.

(Y/n) was there, and sure enough so was Ezra. The two of them huddled on the sofa together as she peered at a book Ezra held in his hands. Her (e/c) eyes danced over the page with blithe, enjoying whatever it was he was showing her.


They jumped at hearing the loud voice. The young woman hurrying to stand when she saw it was the Prince.

William's expressionless face agonized. "What are you doing?" He said it in such away you would think she was cheating on him. But (Y/n) was just confused by his tone.

"I'm sorry, your highness." She sympathized, her apology bringing the male back into reality.

His gaze was pointed towards the ground and he hesitated to say what was on his mind, unable to do it in front of Ezra. "I... I need to speak with you."

"I was about to tell you the same thing."

"You were?" Ezra and William both said this at the same time, looking to the female with opposite emotions. Ezra looking slightly betrayed and William looking pleasantly surprised.(Y/n) excused herself and approached the prince, leading the way as he glanced back to see Ezra staring after them with a furtive look.

Once they were far enough away from the library to be alone with one another, (Y/n) started.

"I'm sorry about that. But I had so little chores I finished up and Prince Ezra said that-"

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