The funeral

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She came to the body length mirror positioned on the other side of the room. Her reflection hard to see, so she attempted to wipe some of the dust away with the palm of her hand. Then when she could see her face, she stood with a sulking posture.

Moving her unsteady hands down the front of the dress slowly, wiping off the dust stain she left behind. It was evident from her cheeks and eyes that she had been crying. And seeing her saddened figure looking back at her didn't help that.

She looked down at her outfit and let out a sigh. "...I have to get out of here."

The young woman turned away from the mirror and went for the exit. Opening it and stepping into the empty hall. Being sure to be careful when shutting the door behind her.

She shifted her weight between feet as she paced and waited patiently for William to return. While doing so she came to a decision. One she had made a long time ago that she had been prevented from actually doing.


A familiar female's voice called her from a little ways down the hall. When the (h/c) haired girl turned to look she grew unusually happy.

"Martha!" The young woman bolted to where her friend stood with a feather duster in hand. Nearly toppling her as she reached the girl. Giving her a huge hug, and even surprising herself by how genuinely happy she was to see her irksome friend.

Martha was wearing simple black clothes and a black head piece. Proper attire considering the occasion. And most notably, the flower necklace which (Y/n) had gifted her, courtesy of Elliot, who'd given it to (Y/n) first.

"It's so good to see you, Martha. To be home. You won't believe the week I've had..." The girl said this with a bit of a despondent tone. Sounding relieved to be able to tell someone without them worrying over her.

Martha was often one to worry. But only about herself.

"Well, you won't believe the week I've had!" Her friend counter argued in a louder whisper. A small whine to her voice. "All of the servants worked overtime everyday this week. We had to mop, dust, and sweep every inch of this place to prepare for the king's funeral. I haven't even had time to grieve. I'm on the job right this second." She asserted, pointing waving her feather duster around to emphasize the amount of stress she was under.

(Y/n) fanned her hand to keep the dust away from her face. Lightly chuckling at the overexagerant girl. Having to hug her just once more, wishing she'd been this affectionate with her family and Emille.

When she released she grew serious, looking to the ground. "Martha I'm quitting."

Her friend gave her a perplexing look.

"Today. After the funeral. I'm leaving and I don't care what prince William or anyone else has to say." The young woman had a tremor in her voice as if she would start crying again.

The blonde haired girl rested a hand on her friend's arm just as she lifted both hands to cover her face.

"I can't take it. That entire trip, even the days before leaving, everything lately has taken such a toll on me... I don't remember my life being this difficult, Martha..." Her voice was hoarse and low and she dropped her hands to her sides. "I want to forget that I ever met royalty. I want to go live in the wilderness so that no prince, king, or stranger can ever find me." She wiped a tear from under her eye and took a breath. "Everything with William and all the royal sons... Our relationship has grown far too weird for me to continue working here. I don't feel safe around him. Around any of them..." She massaged her knuckles with one hand. "So I'm quitting. For real this time."

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