In the name of love

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Across the room, near the 4 other men, Del stood with her arms crossed. Watching silently with an annoyed expression from afar as Asha greeted (Y/n) with far more enthusiasm than he showed her.

She chewed at her inner lip to suppress some of her rising anger. Tapping her foot on the ground resulting in a nearly inaudible tappiping. She came to find that this servant had brought her the most frustration than anyone she'd ever met before.

As she was standing there Elliot parted from the royal sons and tapped her. Looking at him she realized she was mistaken.

He jerked his head in prince Asha's direction, not liking what he was seeing. "Go put a stop to this right now." He whispered.

The girl gave him a sideways glance and rolled her eyes at having to do what he told. But she did. Strolling up to the pair and putting on another one of her false smiles as she interrupted their discussion. Going so far as to push (Y/n) away from him with a light nudge of her arm.

"Your highness, do pardon me cutting in, but I would just love it if you showed us around your home. It's undoubtedly the jewel of Zamor and it would only be right to let us see it in all its glory." Del said to him kindly, interlocking her arm with his so he'd have to escort her around the property. She could see his hesitation as he opened his mouth in order to refuse.

Though just before he did Elliot came up and commented. "I think that's a great way to pass the time. Wouldn't you agree, (Y/n)?" For some reason he spoke to her directly, extending his arm to her.

The girl lit up and nodded. She went to him and took hold of his arm. At the sight of this Asha suddenly grew ill. All while Elliot was observing him with great detail.

The 3 lingering males watched this entire interaction with malicious curiosity.

Ezra looked to Gossamer and Andrew, and seeing as they weren't going to act, decided to be bold. He briskly walked forward and took (Y/n)'s other arm. Giving the female a light tug in his direction.

"Sorry Elliot, but seeing as you hogged our dear friend (Y/n) for the entirety of this journey, I feel it only right for her to come along with me on this tour. Don't you think so?" He gave the male a sly look, knowing he was far too polite to refuse.

He looked at Ezra for a long time and finally let go of the girl. "If (Y/n) allows it..." He mumbled halfheartedly.

(Y/n) shot him a puzzling look as Ezra pulled her to him.

The blond hugged her from the side. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders very tightly. Smiling while resting his head onto hers. "We have so much to talk about, (Y/n)." He spoke nicely for all to hear. Only for his voice to lower and for him to whisper into her ear. "I do hope you'll hear what I have to say..."

Asha hated seeing the girl with these men, not knowing who they were or what her relationship was with any of them. He decided the best way to keep them from her was to occupy them. So he carried on with the showing of his home. Stealing concerned glances at her and the happy blond at her side.

'Don't worry, my love...' Asha thought to himself. 'Soon you will be in my arms and never again will we have to worry about being apart from one another...'

The group started through the halls. The young prince showing them to the throne room first and foremost.

It was an open area like any other royal throne room. However the floorboards creaked beneath them. And the carpet leading up to four lavish looking seats on an elevated platform was visibly faded and worn out. Fading from it's original royal blue tone to a grayish, sickly version of the color.

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