Get along

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"Where did you even come from?! You said you were outside!" William sneered. He was the only one who saw Elliot hugging (Y/n) when the doors opened, and to be frank; he wasn't really happy about it.

"I said I'd consider looking around the premises, I never said I was going outside." Elliot retorted over the sound of others yelling.

"You also never said you were going to get fresh with my servant, but I saw what you were doing!"

"Your servant? Oh, please. She hugged me. What was I gonna do? Shove her away?" Elliot said this with a victorious smile, feeling cocky to see how upset William was. "Or would rather me shove her onto you, your highness?" He mimicked the tone of (Y/n)'s voice.

William was raging at this point, desperately wanting to punch each and everyone of them. But he wasn't a violent man. He instead stormed past the group and headed for the doors leading to the garden.

"All of you," His loud voice gathered the attention of nearby garden workers. "Leave. Go home for the day."

The workers looked around at each other but didn't question the prince. Soon the garden was cleared out of any people and it was just him. He was able to feel a bit of calmness that he hadn't felt since this morning. That is until the other four bimbos came falling over each other out the door.

"Hey, don't touch me!" Andrew cried, snatching his cape from Gossamer's hand.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of touching Princess Andrew's beautiful dress." The black haired male gesticulated mockingly.

"It's a cape!"

Ezra saw William in the distance facing a bushel of rose bushes and a bed of lavender. The prince wore all white and the outfit mixed with his hair and the bright sun made him look ghostlike.

He strode up to the prince, tapping on his shoulder with two fingers.

"Go away."

But the blond didn't listen. He instead took a place standing next to William. Ezra caught a glimpse of the prince's obscure blue eyes, the way they moved ever so slightly as he looked at the flowers in front of him.

"Something troubling you?" His chipper tone voiced. A smile on his soft face despite what had just went down, what was still going down. Somewhere in the background Elliot, Gossamer, and Andrew fought with each other.

William gave a sideways look to the young man. "You're troubling me." He monotonously said. "You and all these other man whores."

The three who were arguing stopped and looked over to William.

"Whore?!" Andrew exclaimed from afar.

Ezra only chuckled. "That's new." He mused. "I only wonder why you call us it. Could it be because... you like that servant?"

"What?" William shot a glare in the blonde's direction. "No. I'm a... prince." He struggled as the word left his mouth.

Ezra shrugged. "Prince or peasant it's all the same. That didn't answer my question. Do you like, oh what was her name? (Y/n)?" The blond pretended to forget, trying to show that he wasn't completely intrigued by the girl. Which he was.

William was silent.

"...I like (Y/n)!" Andrew's voice echoed to which he received a punch from Gossamer, the pair near the flowers hearing a soft 'ow' from him.

The pale and overexcited male rubbed his arm before parting to approach William and Ezra. He had a huge smile with one hand on his arm. "I think she's just wonderful."

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