Such sweet sorrow

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The next morning everyone woke up early and began preparing for their long one-way trip back to Harlem. While outside loading the carriages everybody started finding their seats.

Gossamer decided he would ride with his father and brother this time, not wanting to share a cart with (Y/n) after what happened last night. Andrew felt the same way, after expressing how he felt he opted to ride in a carriage with his dad. William of course chose to stay close to the female, as did Ezra and Elliot. Whereas prince Asha and his sister were ordered by their father to share a carriage. The two being isolated from everyone purposely.

Asha had a pensive look about him, sitting with one leg folded over the other. Within of his family coach his sister was seated across from him. Wearing an anxious look with her head turned downward. Not wanting to interact with her sibling in any way.

It wasn't that Blythe was scared of her brother. She just didn't know him all that well. Though they were siblings, she felt as if they were no more than strangers forced to make small talk. And being as quiet and reserved as she was, she hated both strangers and small talk.

"Last evening, a little after they arrived... You were with (Y/n)." Asha was nonchalantly looking out the window when he said this. Pausing before turning and looking at his sister. "What did you talk about?"

Blythe rubbed her lips together and pointed her gaze in the opposite direction. Her shoulders raising below her ears like she were a turtle trying to hide in her shell. "Nothing much..."

The boy didn't want to come off as overeager, but he wanted to inquire all there was to know about the girl. And more importantly, how she felt about him. "Did she... ask about me?"

Blythe shook her head.

Asha was slightly more intense with his questioning seeing her response. "So, you didn't talk about me at all? I didn't come up once in your entire conversation?" He was harsher speaking to his sibling. His volume growing making the girl shrink back into her seat.

His sibling continued to quietly shake her head no. Seeing that he wouldn't receive any other answer he stopped and noiselessly pouted to himself. Relieving the young girl so much so that she sighed through her nose.

Asha bounced his leg restlessly, turning his attention back to the window. He shook his head and pursed his lips together. "I'm in love with her." The boy said aloud with certainty. "I've never wanted anything in my whole life as badly as I want her." His eyes shifted over to her and Blythe could tell her brother was sincere about what he said.

The timid girl nodded in acknowledgment. Hesitant to share what she thought of the girl. "...She's a nice person."

Asha then started speaking even before she finished. "She's a magnetic force of a woman. I was drawn to her immediately and she is so..." The young man put his hands on both sides of his face and smiled lovingly, his gaze pointed upward in a dreamlike state. "Gorgeous! She's indescribable. I can only sum up wholeheartedly the way I feel with three words... I love her. I want to make her my wife."

Blythe was like her brother in a way too.

In that she had a soft spot for all things relating to romance.

And what she saw before her was a boy who was hopelessly in love. She even pitied him hearing just how lovesick he was with the girl.

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