An outing

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(Y/n) reached her room and shut the door behind her softly, resting her body against it as she began to let the tears flow freely. She held her hands to her face and cried softly so as not to wake the others in the rooms next to hers. Though what she hadn't realized was that someone was already awake in their room and was eagerly waiting to hear her exit hers.

She let her hands fall to her sides and looked up to the ceiling as an attempt to stop crying. But it didn't help. A soft round of knocking from her door is what startled her to stop.

She inhaled sharply and quietly before wiping her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. She wiped her the damp sides of her hands on her dress and patted her hair down. Opening the door and expecting to see William waiting for her. But she was surprised to see Elliot standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Good morning," He waved with a smile.

The girl smiled back and returned his greeting in a soft and sheepish manner. Elliot didn't find this to be anything out of the ordinary. "How did you sleep?"


"Good," He said. "I didn't want to intrude on your privacy or anything, but I heard you moving around so I assumed you were awake." The young man stood there in still awkwardness for a moment. A question tugging at his mind that he couldn't bring himself to ask.

(Y/n) was far to polite to shut the door on him or ask him to leave. Though she wanted to be alone right now. Finally, Elliot gave a nervous laugh and looked down.

"I... I was going to ask..." He looked down at his feet and lifted one hand to scratch the back of his neck. "Perhaps, if you'd like, we could go into town before breakfast. I know Mox is famous for all it's shops, I could buy you a souvenir to take home. Food, clothes, anything you like."

(Y/n) smiled. That actually sounded nice for a change. And Elliot was always so kind to her it wouldn't be right for her to reject him.

With a light smile she nodded. "That would be very nice, actually. I'd love to go with you, Elliot."

"Great!" He caught himself saying this with a lot more eagerness than he'd like. The young man nodded towards the ground as he lowered his volume. "Uh, wonderful. So. Do we go now? Or?..." The more he spoke the more red his face turned. But often when he got nervous, which was very rarely, he was unable to control what he said. "We don't have to! Go now, I mean. We could talk for a moment or walk around. Perhaps you could get dressed if-..." He trailed off when it hit him. "You don't have a change of clothes do you?"

(Y/n) shook her head.

Elliot nodded. "Well, then we can head out now. I believe I saw a nice clothing store on our way here."

(Y/n) joined him in the hall and they began their walk towards the entrance. Elliot was most definitely elated but also weirdly anxious. He saw just how charming she was the more time he spent with her. That charm was something he didn't believe he possessed. What he knew for a fact was that he could be a know it all at times and feared that might make her grow a dislike for him.

"Have you ever been to Mox before?" The young man questioned.

(Y/n) shook her head no. "The farthest I've been outside of Harlem is Salem." She wrung her hands together with a tiny smile. "I'm quite nervous. I wonder if everyone will be able to tell that I'm not from here."

"I know the kingdoms in this country like I know my own. Well, with the exception of one," Elliot halfway boasted. "I can tell you that the people of Mox are extremely caring and open. You'll fit right in."

(Y/n) found that statement reassuring.


The pair stopped walking, turning their heads from each other to face the voice who'd greeted them. The young female's mouth went completely dry seeing that it was Ezra. Standing a few feet in front of them, the only obstacle in their way of leaving.

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