Love and war

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(Y/n) was able to finish cleaning the spill after half an hour. The entire time she felt as if she was being watched. Now she was headed to the locker room to return her cleaning supplies and head home. As she was walking she got the strangest feeling someone was following her. Because of the uneasy feeling she hastened her walking only to stop abruptly when she saw a familiar body.

"Andrew?" The dark haired boy had his head down in a leather covered book, sketching away with a pencil in his right hand. He looked up seeming surprised as he smiled.

"(Y/n)!" His book fell from his hand and he fumbled to catch it, taking a few rapid steps towards her. "Oh-" He was too close now, his nose was practically touching hers. His whole face blushed and he quickly reeled backwards, now clutching his book to his chest, breathing heavily.

The female smiled amusingly at him.

He glanced at her sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She reassured. There was that kindness once more making his heart flutter. "It's good to see you again."

"Likewise." He looked lovingly at her for a moment, just wanting to watch her for as long as he could. The young man gripped the sides of his book, he then held out to her abruptly. "Would you like to look?"

(Y/n) stared at it in his hands. It was an all black leather sketch book with a shiny surface and a silk string sticking from one section of it. The female smiled as she calmly took it and opened it in the middle. Upon seeing what was inside she let out a light gasp...

Inside were graphite sketches, each one more intricate and detailed than the last. It would be nice, if it wasn't for the fact that it was vivid depictions of humans with gouged out eyes and in their place, flowers, with what appeared to be black blood dripping down their face. Vines coiled up their bodies and they were completely naked. She flipped through some more and the same flowery theme kept arising in the most gruesome of ways.

"So?... What do you think? Hm? Do you like them?" Came Andrew's eager tone, the boy taking a step closer with each question. The girl gulped and met his eyes with a sick feeling.

"I think they're... beautiful."

His eyes widened, as did his smile. "Really? I'm so glad you think that."

'Don't panic, (Y/n)... There's a rational reasoning behind these, I'm sure... Every artist has their quirks after all...' The female gave an awkward grin while he stared at her.

Just then, just behind her, a figure stepped from the shadows. A menacing one holding something in his hands!

"ASSHOLE!" An object flew over (Y/n)'s head and in Andrew's direction! The male had great reflexes however and was fast to duck out of the object's course of impact. The startled boy reached for the girl's hand in the midst of what was happening and pulled her to run with him causing her to drop his book! Still she complied, not knowing what was happening as another object crashed down at their sprinting feet!

Andrew pulled her down an unfamiliar corridor, loosing whoever was chasing them. They came to a stop and leaned against opposite walls. Out of breath and frightened.

(Y/n) looked down the hallway with confusion and fear in her eyes, seeing if the person had followed them.

"What happened?!" She screamed in a whisper.

Andrew still managed to give her a soft grin. "G-... Gossamer..." He panted. Even though he was skinny and agile, he wasn't the most fit person when it came to running.

"Gossamer?" (Y/n) said the name with disdain. She really didn't like that guy.

Andrew nodded finally catching his breath. "He's mad because I gave his little brother a marker. But can you really blame me? He was just a little kid. What harm could he do with it?" He took a glance down the hall as he heard footsteps approaching. Becoming anxious he reached for the female's hand again and they went even deeper down the hallway.

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