Fit for a queen

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Martha was supposed to go home hours ago. But here the sun was setting and she was still outside the servants doors sweeping the steps. It wasn't like she had anything better to do at home. Cleaning made her feel better. And after all she experienced today she wanted to clean until she forgot.

The sound of rapid footsteps were heard on the cobblestone path leading to the stairs. When she looked up she was delighted to see (Y/n)'s younger sister Leía. Along with a dark haired young man trailing slowly behind her holding a crutch.

"Leía! Hello. The castle is closed at this hour, what are you doing here?" She casually asked, eyeing the boy behind the girl. She didn't believe she knew him.

"We came for my sister, I know she's still in there." The young girl boldly stated ready to push past Martha and burst into the castle like a madwoman.

But the blonde girl stepped in front of her and prevented her from that. "(Y/n) said she was leaving right when the funeral was over. She didn't go home?" Now Martha was concerned.

"You thought that bastard was actually gonna let her go? She's in there right now, I bet he has her chained up!" Leía spoke, letting her imagination get the best of her.

Martha raised her brows at the young girl's harsh language in reference to the prince.

Emille reached a hand out to Leía as a silent way of telling her to calm down. He then spoke to Martha directly. "We're just going to go in and get her, then we'll be out in no time."

The blonde young lady fiddled with her fingers as she slowly shook her head with worry. "Oh, I can't let you do that. Especially not you, you don't even work here." She pointed to Emille. "His highness would have a fit."

"But (Y/n) could be in trouble, don't you care whether she's okay or not?" The soft haired boy responded motioning to the castle behind the girl.

Martha looked back at the servant's doors then back to the pair still shaking her head worriedly. "...But the prince."

"Goddamn it, Martha, who gives a shit about the prince?!" Leía cursed, ready to shove the girl to the ground if she didn't move. Once again she was warned by Emille to remain calm.

Leía gritted her teeth and raised her hand to the girl. "I swear Martha if you don't let us in I'll-"

"Okay! Stop! I don't want to hear it." The blonde waved her hand out in front of her, stepping back a bit. Leía and Emille glancing between one another prepared to pass her before she put her hands out to stop them again. "B-but I'll go in and get her. I don't want to risk someone seeing you wandering around."

Emille and Leía exchanged looks. The dark haired boy being the one to reply. "You're sure? We can come along with you, we'll be very quiet."

Martha shook her head. "If you two got in trouble for my negligence I don't know what I'd do." She took one step backwards. "You both wait outside near the doors and I'll bring her to you. I'll be back in just a second."

And with that Martha took a key from her pocket and stuck it in the doorknob. Carefully opening the doors and stepping inside.


(Y/n) had resorted to sitting in William's room. Waiting for the moment when he'd finally come and talk to her. And when she could finally tell him that she was quitting. Sitting on the edge of his bed and twiddling with the useless button on her sleeve. Pacing her breaths to relax herself. Rehearsing what she would say over and over again in her head until she was confident she could say it aloud.

That's the same moment when she realized everything was happening so fast for the young man. He was in his early twenties and already he was going to be responsible of an entire kingdom. He'd only lost his father a few days ago, (Y/n) wasn't even sure if it had all set in for him. And now she'd be telling him she was leaving? It made her question her choices...

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