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Regular POV.

As the team followed you back to the guild hall, they were in shock at what they saw.

"What?" Lucy gasped.

"Our guild." Erza said silently yet in anger.

"What happened!?" Gray demands.

"Who did this?!" Natsu snarled.

"Phantom." someone answered behind us. It was Mira.

"Phantom?" you wondered for a few seconds. "As in Phantom Lord?" you asked.

After explaining the situation to you and the others, Mira led you all down to the guild's first floor basement and everyone in the guild was here.

"Those phantom bastards!"

"They're gonna pay for what they've done!"

"Calm down! This is phantom lord were talking about!"

The entire conversation about phantom lord was loud, loud enough for you to hear.

"We have returned master." erza said calmly.

"Master! How come you're happy at the time like this?!?!" Natsu yelled.

"Uh master, I hate to break it to you but... " you took a deep breath. "DON'T YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR GUILD!!" you yelled furiously.

"I agree, don't you understand the situation we're in?!" Erza raised her voice.

"This isn't something to get so riled up about." Master waved off.

"What?! Are you serious?! " Gray demands as the master explains that the guild was attacked in the middle of the night.

"So that's why no one was hurt." You said as natsu punched the table causing it to break.

"I don't give a damn! I won't be satisfied until we go and beat them up!!" he yelled angrily.

"I need to be excused." You said as you went upstairs and check the guild hall. You were about to leave the guild hall as you sensed something. "Those iron clubs. I sense some dragon aura in there. Wait, could it be a dragon slayer did this?" you wondered as you walk out of the guild hall.


You were done grocery shopping for a little while as you walk back to your house.

"I can't believe we have bad terms in phantom lord. Does master even cared? I mean come on! This isn't like him, he should do something about this." and when you opened the door...

"Welcome home (Y/N)." Erza greets you and you were in shock as the team were inside of your house.

"HOLY CRAP!! THEY APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE!!!" you shout in disbelief.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I tried to convince them." Lucy said.

"You're okay Lucy." you assure her. "Honestly this is the 86th time you guys came in unexpectedly. Why my place again?" you groaned in frustration.

"The incident with phantom lord means that they've come too his town. It's possible that they might have gotten a hold of our addresses." erza stated while drinking her cup of tea.

"They might try attacking us while we're alone. So for now on were sticking together." Gray added.

"Let me guess, Mira told you all?" You ask and they all nodded."And I still don't get it that why you guys are coming in to my house all the time." You stated.

"Erza come look at this." happy called.

"(Y-Y/N), you wear things like that?" Erza ask in disbelief as you saw her holding your undergarments.

"Hey don't touch them! That for my laundry next week!!" you shouted as you snatched back your clothes and putting it back to the laundry basket, little did you know that natsu and gray have a heavy blush at the sight of your undergarments. "I hope I don't have another headache later."

"Welcome to my world, (Y/N)." Lucy pats your shoulder.

"Anyway, you boys need a bath right now." Erza demands.

"No way in hell." natsu complained.

"I'm too lazy for that." gray stated.

"Then I guess we'll take a shower together like the old days!" erza pats their shoulders as the boys tremble.

"What kind of relationship do you guys have?!?!" Lucy shrieks.

"They're the strongest team." Happy chirps.

"More like the 'Strangest Team' you mean." You stated. "Anyway I'm going up stairs, my head is starting to hurt from all of this." you said as you walk up to your bedroom and sleep.


You woke up early to start cleaning the house, as you went downstairs, your friends were asleep on the floor and on the couch. You sigh and started to clean quietly.


As you were done cleaning, you went out for a little while as you saw a small commotion on the park. You made your way to the park as you saw something or someone on the big tree.


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"Levy... Jet... Droy... " you  gasped as you ran back to your house. "Everybody wake up!"  you tried to wake them up as erza woke up first.

"What the meaning of this (Y/N)?" erza demands.

"There's something going on at the park! It's an emergency! " You stated.

"All of you wake up now!!!" Erza shouted as everyone woke up.

"What going on?" Lucy yawned.

"What gives (Y/N)?" gray asked.

"All of you follow me.  Now!!!" you demand as you walk out of the house as the team followed you to the park.

"Let us through! We're from the guild! " Erza ordered the row of citizens. They instantly stepped aside to let you all pass. Everyone was shocked and speechless at what they had found.

"Levy-chan... " Lucy gasped and scared at the sight of levy as the crowds parted and master makarov walked in with a staff in his hand.

"Master... " Erza said as the master glanced the victims hung up on a tree. A shadow covered his eyes with quivering hands.

"Wrecking our guild hall I can stand...  But no parent can remain silent while the blood of his children is spilled!!!" He broke the staff with a very tight grip.

"Gramps?" you ask in concern.


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