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As you and erza returned to the cells, she introduced her friends to you a minute ago.

"How long have been in this place, er-chan?" a little you asked.

"I... don't really know (N/N)-chan. " little erza said softly.

"Oh, sorry I asked." you said sadly.

"So, how did you end up here (N/N)-chan?" the little cat girl, millianna, asked as you look down.

"Maybe you shouldn't ask her that." the brown haired boy, simon, told her.

"Hey! Keep your mouths shuts brats!!" the guards banged the cell bars loudly.


You slowly open your eyes as you look your surroundings and you noticed you were tied up by a rope.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" Erza said but you look down and she noticed. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Now I know." you mumbled. "Now I know why I felt like I've see you before when I joined fairy tail two years ago.... er-chan." you said sadly as a tear run down your cheek as erza's eyes widen in realization.

"(N/N)-chan?!" she muttered in shock as you nodded your head and you saw an awfully familiar blonde man.

"Sho? Is that really you?" you asked as his eyes widen.

"You... remembered." he said quietly as you started to tear up.

"I'm really sorry... after they take me away from you guys.... I tried to escape from them but... no matter what I do.... I was so scared.... but I didn't give up on you all.... in til one day... I managed to escape but... I lost all my memories about you all.... and now my memories are back I.... I realized that I lost important memories of you all... I'm so pathetic... " you teared up really bad as Sho starts to hug you and erza.

"I'm so sorry Erza and (Y/N) but I didn't want this to happen..... I MISSED YOU TWO!" sho shouts as he look at Erza. "BIG SISTER! WHY DID YOU BETRAY JELLAL?!" he yells as your eyes widen in disbelief.

"Oh god. Jellal.... " you muttered. 'What's going on? Did something happen?' you though as they send you and erza back to the tower and sho was talking about sacrifice. While he was talking, you manage to free yourself and silently cast a sleeping spell on sho, making fell on the ground but you manage to catch him before he hits the ground and you can chained erza from the wall.

'I felt natsu and the others are here.' you think when suddenly an army of men were in front of us. You and erza fight the guards as you follow the rest of them.

"Jellal, if you can hear me right now, I just want to talk to you about what happened." you mutter to yourself as you and erza defeated the rest of the guards.

"Erza! (Y/N)!" you saw natsu and the others are here.

"Guys?" you mumbled as you saw a familiar blue haired girl. "Wait, what is she doing here.?" you demand.

"(Y/N) it's okay. She's on our side. " Gray assured you.

"Go back! This no place for you to stay!" erza stated while she glared.

"Don't say that erza! If we leave, we will dishonor the name of fairy tail!" Gray stated.

"Happy's been captured! And I'm not leaving him!" Natsu shouts.

"Millianna? Seriously?!" you groaned as you grabbed natsu's arm. "Go and save happy natsu." you told him as natsu gave you a huge grin.

"I will." he said as he ran off as the others and erza are complaining at each other you couldn't take it anymore.

"SHUT IT!!!!!!" you screamed loudly catching their attention as you took a deep breath. "Erza please listen to me. I know they don't belong here and I know they have nothing to do with us but... they're right. And I will fight with you not just because we are a team... but as a family." you told her. Then erza have tears on her left eye and everyone were shocked because they never seen erza like this.

"Thank you... " she said.

Fairy Priestess - Fairy Tail x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin