Chapter 3

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        Magic class two point oh... Or rather, actually performing magic and not learning about it. I was alone. With a woman that jumped at the sight of everything and couldn't put an actual sentence together. Which didn't help me as I ended up having similar issues, embarrassed that I had a class all to myself as I stumbled over my words just the same and started jumping at the sight of other things thinking people were going to find out my magic and tease me about it.

        After a while, and locking the door, we actually got to class. She started teaching me how to bring forth my magic, saying that for use glass wielders it always comes faster and more naturally than any other magic. Saying it was not all bad. She said I should be able to use it more naturally by the end of the week, which blew my mind, almost as much as when it actually listened to me and manifested into my hand.

       It came the first time I called... Dad said it took him nearly two months! And he's an elite space magi! When I started freaking out she explained once more that the weaker the magic the easier it was to wield while I hyperventilated like no other. After I calmed down we went back to basics and seeing how fast it'd come when was weird overall and I freaked out and jumped a good foot in the air everytime it worked but by the end, I could actually make shapes. waving as I headed off to my next class unaware of my ultimate doom I walked with a spring in my step.

       My mood good for the very first time since I've come here.

        My limbs are going to break off. I mean who needs them right? Can someone just kill me? I haven't been here for more than ten minutes and I'm wishing she had been like all the other teachers and shown up late. But no. She did not. So, I get an entire class of getting my butt kicked by this random guy who winces everytime a hit lands on me.

       He seemed so very unsure about this, almost as if I was going to break. Which I was. I felt no shame in admitting I was going to die here. Hand to hand was not my thing, I was a more 'run for your life' kinda person. Because of two things, one, I was a living twig and puberty has yet to meet me meaning no padding anywhere and two, I was freaking fragile. Like, well, my magic. 

       Grunting as I found the ground again my eyes watered as I held my bleeding nose, the teacher very annoyed by my inability to do anything but get hit. She glared before outstretching her hand, I easily guessed what she wanted and pulled my card from my pocket not getting off the ground but sitting up all the same.

        She mumbled about me having to have wind magic as I clearly never so much as knew violence other than 'it's bad'. Which was pretty accurate for those with wind magic. The pacifists. She halted in her mumbled upon reading what it said, her eyes widening in shock, the most dramatic reaction yet, before opening her mouth only to close it, and put that on repeat.

      "Uh, I, damn, um, why don't we spar instead?" She offered unsure as I just moaned, not wanted to fight someone who had actual experience, I was already doing horribly she'd just crush me like a fly. "Aye! Don't complain and get your ass over here so I can show you how not to die!" She barked, I pulled myself off the ground as she told the unnamed boy to go over with the other instructor who was helping a different pair. 

        So... I didn't get hit as much as she stopped before destroying my very being but I got tripped a lot and I think I broke my butt. She started barking about me complaining again as I tried my best only to end up face first in the dirt time after time until I really couldn't get up. So she threw water at me. I was actually grateful as I gave her a thumbs up only to get a glare before she dragged me to my feet saying something about war and death but I was more interested in the ground.

        Or my bed... Sleep sounds so nice... I was suddenly on the ground once more, unable to breathe as my stomach burned and the little I ate not so okay with existing inside me. Let's just say it's so much worse going out than in. She apologized as the other instructor jogged over, most of the other kids stopping to stare as I tried to catch my breath only to cough and dry heave.

     My back was being patted and rubbed by two different people while questions were being thrown every which way sending my already spinning head into overdrive as I was suddenly not so awake.

         Watching with a burst I shot upright gasping for air greedily to find I was still in the field for hand to hand. Looking around I found the while instructor walking over with a water bottle and bread. Bread. Since when do they have actual food here?! He offered them and they were gone as fast as they came, he asked a few questions, unconcerned, which kind of calmed me, to which I answered.

       He nodded and said I was fine, just overworked, then told me to sit out for the rest of class, saying something about only have five minutes left. 

        Day while spent? I giggled at my horrible joke as I fell back in the grass waiting for class to be over while my body had time to process how damaged it was. So, when I climbed off the grass and almost immediately fell back as my body burned like the very core of the blazen. Oh, I was not going to survive this. I take back feeling proud at how good I was going in magic because that is the only thing that has promise and that's sad.

         Glass magic? That's The only thing I can do. I'm going to die. Question is, when? Suffering in this blazen they call school or at war when I'm running from everything sharp.

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