Chapter 35

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Reaalllyyy short chapter, my apologies, but I'll be adding at least one more so... Hope that makes up for it.

       "Sweetheart!" Mom squealed crushing me in her arms as I didn't even have the strength to raise my arms and just burrowed my face in her shoulder, her wild hair everywhere. "Your father was asked to participate in the festival this year!"

       "Really?" I asked glancing at him while he pulled mom's purse over his shoulder unfazed by the bright blue bag that didn't match his mix of dark grays in the least. 

        "Uh huh, we're participating this year," he smiled, ruffling my hair, mom's freckled face lighting up in a proud grin while I couldn't help but smile too, her smiles always being so contagious. "Can't let those brutes look down on the Windsors now can we?" Biting my lip, I held in my laugh not commenting on how I had befriended the youngest of said brutes.

       I can't wait to see the look on Alex's face when he sees we're competing. "And the Weshs?" I asked with a hum, he raised a brow but didn't ask, simply answering.

       "No, the fools refused as they do every year, though, the Bensons have," Jay was going to piss himself when he saw me. Too bad Adrian wasn't going to participate. "You aren't already considering marriage candidates, are you? Because if you are I will be forced to-"

       "No, I simply made a few friends," I sighed while he looked satisfied with the simple answer, mom pouting.

        "Dear, a noblewoman has to have at least a few candidates by your age, you're nearly sixteen," I stared at her flatly, her pout deepening. "Come on, don't look at me like that, you're a beautiful young woman!"

        "Mom, I feel like you should know, but I don't have enough time to sleep relationships aren't within my schedule," Dad chuckled ruffling my hair again.

       "I remember that, made dealing with a baby seem like a breeze," He sighed wistfully, "Gods I hope I never have to do that again,"

       "Yeah, well, I'm currently living it, I plan to sleep as much as humanly possible and then double that," Rubbing my face as I turned in my mother's arms, which she refused to remove from me, I groaned loudly remembering I told Mr. Stoneface that he could drop by for some potions when I was trying to escape his many questions that have been growing.

       You'd think he'd get tired of playing chase when I was clearly not telling him anything. But he was persistent. So, I swept them under the carpet with bribery. Or, rather, I diverted his attention. I was not giving them away for free. I had a future to plan for, money means everything in times of war and no matter how calm the capital seemed, we were still at war.

      Which meant I did have a few things to do for future insurance. Ugh. I just wanted to sleep. Maybe see some family. Why do things have to be so complicated? And why do I have to be aware of it?

       Time really is worth more than money isn't it? Groaning louder I snuggled into my mom not wanting to deal with life right now. Chuckling gently she plucked me up like she used to with a grunt of effort I pretended not to notice.

        "We've heard that you've been working hard dear, it must be difficult keeping up with the other kids," Dad hummed while I grunted in agreement. "Glass may be fragile but it hurts quite a bit when you break it,"

        "Oh trust me, I know," I deadpanned, shutting down his attempt to be poetic while he pouted like a proper magic master.

       "That one was good!"

       "You were stating the obvious,"

       "Honey!" Mom snickered, hauling me up better, not taking sides while taking both at the same time.

      "It was very lovely, but you were just stating the obvious,"

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