Chapter 44

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*Loudly crackling as I literally wrote ten chapters yesterday and am leaving many readers in the dust, them not being used to books updating at such an unrealistic speed* You'll never catch me alive!

      "After yet another amazing display, we'll move onto the last challenge! Blood magic!"

      "Specifically spirit summoning," The elite cut in, his eyes sharper than ever while I couldn't help but whistle, my brows meeting my hairline before coming down, my gaze wavering at the idea of doing what he wanted me too. "For the heirs without a contract, you are by no means obligated to make one but everyone will be participating, use this as a chance to gauge where you're at in the spirit realm,"

        "Lilith..." Alex trialed horrified, paler than humanly possible while I nodded scratching the back of my neck, having an equal amount of not wanting it to happen but in a different sense. He didn't want to see that again, I didn't want to do it.

       "He said summoning spirits Alex, no need to worry, there's no danger in summoning those lot," I smiled sliding my hands in my pocket while he ignored his brother and father to stare talk to me.

      "I one hundred percent don't believe you after what happened last time," He shivered as if remembering while I shrugged.

      "An understandable reaction but I didn't exactly summon a spirit, now did I?" I hummed meeting Edwards gaze, he was trying to use my unusual desire to show off against me by giving a category he wanted to know about. If I was to continue showing off I'd summon a holy beast at the top, The White Stag, or, if I could, something stronger. But the thing is...

       I was getting revenge and maybe shoving the fact that the Windsor's have to be a combat family to kick butt. I wasn't going to let the front line powerhouses continue to talk about us like we didn't contribute to the war. Sure, we didn't touch the battle directly but who do you think keeps the kingdoms alive in times of war? It's the merchants.

       I didn't need to bring out the heavy hitters for this. Or, the heaviest of hitters. You don't need a holy beast to show off. Not to mention the fact that he couldn't have choices anything better for us. My dad was contracted to a big name after all.

       "Why does that make me worry?" He strained while I winked, definitely summoning a holy beast anyway, the horn blaring while I turned to start. After contracting with a spirit you only need a drop of your blood to summon it with the proper but simple circle, hardly making it blood magic.

      If you haven't bound your soul to one then you need a proper cost. If you want a task complete that is. Otherwise, you just have to pay to get it across the border. Which is far easier and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

     "Dad, how about we finally go for speed?" I hummed while he grinned, finally having a task he could complete and ultimately win with. He was in a tier of his own with that thing. Cheerily drawing his circle I did my own with wary glancing from Alex. 

       "Oh, this'll be fun," He snickered pricking his finger with the given needle. Pausing I build a glass wall between us just as it fell into his circle, with a flash of orange a nasty gush of wind gushing out and almost taking down my circle. Pausing to stare at the spider easily twice as tall as my father I shivered in disgusted while looking back at my circle. Didn't matter that it spun fate, it was creepy.

      "What do we have here?! Is that Asyn?! The spinner of fate and bringer of destiny?! Austin Windsor has summoned a holy beast! He's contracted to a holy beast!" He screamed in shock while I grumbled rolling my eyes tracing a triangle in the circle. I wasn't the only one in a weird mood that demanded showing off it seems.

        And Edward was left staring a holy beast as I planned. As were four other prying eyes. With a tick of the jaw, Mr. Stone senior pricked his finger while I added a star and another triangle. A flash of an ominous black later and smoke poured from his circle, growing into a hooded skeleton while I paused.

       "And true to their name the Reaper's summoned a reaper!" A creature not of spirit nor holy beast. One of soul. They guide souls to the hound that decides what mount they're taking, where they went. It was kinda funning to think about.

      Smirking while I got up, brushing off my pants while I glanced at the elite who was looking over my grinning father while he rapidly waved at my mother I made two swords while I looked to the glaring ice blocks. They had a reaper, they could beat us if they summoned another, that is if I didn't summon anything remarkable.

       "Annnnd the heir follows in his father footsteps! Summoning a reaper all the same! What a wild competition this is!" Seems like they have a strong bloodline. Summoning reapers not once but twice, not to mention one still being fifteen.

        Humming I cut the side of my arm, letting the glass wall fall while I bled into the circle I stabbed. I wasn't going to be out down by him. No. Not happening. Wrapping my arm as it flashed red I stepped back, the circle being swallowed in darkness before six burning dots lit in it.

       With a growl, the canine crawled out, magma dripping from its jaws and glowing beneath the cracks in its skin, the long tail attached to a glowing lantern. Every head snapping to the hound that snarled, claws digging into the ground while lava dripped from its many eyes. Not really what I thought it'd look like. 

       "And if one wasn't enough the Windsor summon another holy beast! Fenrir the dog of decision!" It growled ferally at being called a dog, it's long torn ears pulling back as its stones shifted. I raised a brow at the one who hadn't paid me attention, therefore missing what he wanted to see to begin with. "Is it their blood?! Is it their brains?! The Windsor pulled the impossible off like it was nothing!"

        "Lilith!" Alex shrieked strained while I glanced at him, grinning while a fool in the crowd just screeched wildly. "You said you weren't summoning a holy beast!"

       "Did I? I don't remember that," I hummed while he waved his arms around trying to find words to scold me with.

        "After what happened last time-"

       "Yeah yeah, it's not like I did anything but summon it, it can't do anything," I rolled my eyes while its tail flicked around, the lava in the lantern splashing around wildly slamming against whatever was holding it in. Placing my finger between my lips gently, my thumb brushing against my chin I stared at the beast that was nearly as large as the golem I wondered why it was so big.

       It guided the souls that the reapers collected to either the White Stag or the Black Steed, deciding which belong on which. If one ever prayed it was to the beast before me. Begging it to take them to the White Stag.

     "What a strange beast," I mumbled, its head snapping in my direction, its aggression not shifting as it growled lowly, its chest rumbling and long teeth bared. The Stag was gentle and graceful, head held high and eyes burning bright but this thing... Its looked like it had only ever met with war.

       "Kind and caring," I muttered to myself reaching within its range, its ears fluttering flat against its head while I continued, hand calmly brushing its chin, avoiding the slobber that would surely burn my hand off. It pulled back with a weak bark, sniffing my hand while I smiled. When it didn't move I reached for it again.

      It didn't pull back, twitching away a little but not pulling back. Clearly unused to physical affection. Its ears flickered for a moment before it rubbed the side of its head against me, knocking me back a few steps, making me chuckle. It warmed up surprisingly fast.

       The more the beast liked you the easier it was to call, the smaller the cost. And I think I just earned its favor.

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