Chapter 23

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       "I kinda get why the swords support calls you a freak," I looked at him flatly knowing it wasn't supposed to be an insult but it was totally an insult. "Not in a bad way! It's just... You do really weird things that aren't logically possible and your personality drastically changes at the drop of a hat. Like how I doubt you'd be acting like this if it wasn't a test, don't even get me started on how you act when you're woken up..."

        "You sound like you're insulting her more," Alex said raising his brows while I mimicked the action.

      "Well... It's hard to describe! It's not like you're bipolar it's more like situations bring out a calm cool rationality that is borderline cold, and I mean, people are different in the morning so that can be chalked up to a spunky characteristic but your triggers are the weirdest of things. Not to mention you go around making weird creepy puppets and brew potions I saw our hunter use," He pointed at me semi accusingly while I raised a brow.

        "See! If we were in class you would have blushed and hid in your hair or apologized! But you just quirk a brow in a manner that makes me feel like an idiot! I can't tell if this is your real personality or if you're just messing with me,"

       "It's..." Sighing I ruffled the back of my head while I looked at the sky, "It's hard to explain when I'm in a battle situation or something of the like all my worries kinda just melt away and this calm logic washed over, I think it's got something to do with my standing or something but you're not wrong. They're both me, just... Different sides I guess, and the magic stuff is because I've got this really weird thing called Animans,"

      "You're great at explaining things," Alex said flatly while I threw a rock at him, making him smirk while I just glared.

       "Animans? I think I've actually heard that before what was it...?"

       "It's where you can make living things, animate them, it's kinda like necromancy but I'm not bringing something back, I'm creating something from nothing but my own magic. Which isn't illegal unlike necromancy," I added the last bit in case they thought I was doing something illegal.

       "I heard a rumor that said something about your family coming from a divine that could create life, is it about someone like Lilith?"

        "That's where I heard it! There's record that my ancestor could make life at a whim of his will," Adrian clapped at the realization. "We got a title for that," He grinned while we couldn't help but laugh at how his house became a nobleman's.

         "Mine got it from battle like a respectable warrior," Alex teased with a grin, "We're beasts on the battlefield don't you know?" He flexed his arm while I rolled my eyes.

        "My family got its title from their exceptional magic master, though, the different branches got theirs for different reasons," I hummed with a smirk, leaning back on my arms.

       "Wasn't your grandma like a Hex or something?"

       "Grandpa," I corrected while they whistled. My family was known for marrying into other powerful houses that always ended up taking our name as the stronger of a couple took the surname of the other. 

      "You've got double backing, don't you, you little rascal!" Alex snatched me into a headlock while he gave me a noogy. 

       "The Windsors a proud family with deep roots, I bet she's got more than two powerhouses backing her," Adrian grinned while I escaped the torture of humiliation while I soothed my unruly hair.

        "The Hex's haven't been the same since necromancy was outlawed so I don't really think it's considered a powerhouse anymore," I commented pulling my hair into a ponytail as it refused to cooperate.

       "They've still got witchcraft and blood magic," I snorted, remembering the last time I visited that side of the family. Blood magic was very frowned on but no illegal like black magic and necromancy, two magics that had given them their power to begin with.

        "They've got some heavy restrictions on blood magic you know? Exceptionally considering it's a house that's known for illegal magic," 

       "Well, restrictions don't mean they don't practice it," True, they did use it just not nearly as often as they would like.

        "Your mom was a Barberry wasn't she?" Alex asked thoughtfully as I nodded, "Then you've got close relation to an alchemy house right? Do you know any alchemy?"

        "Not really, my mom was never all that good at it and we don't visit family often," I shrugged as I really couldn't do any alchemy but it wasn't like I couldn't learn, I had the resources, but time was a little different. I was already balancing my schedule dangerously high so adding something new wasn't the best idea.

        "Not even a little?"

       "Nope, not even a simple circle,"

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