Chapter 15

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It has been mentioned that they worshiped stars, more hinted in this book actually, but they do have gods. One for each magic and a few more for things like necromancy, witchcraft, alchemy, magic circles, blood magic, and black magic plus two that mean very little to this story. Anyway, they don't worship the gods but the stars as they believe after death they either become one or they fuel blazen, the sun, their hell, and rest in their god's arms for the rest of eternity, heaven. Worshiping is a strong word as well, it's more of paying tribute to those that have passed. All in all, they don't worship their gods.

      After a short break, where they spoke outside my room, they then asked about the potion which was their original plan. Miss H was utterly drained and me telling her it was a mistake just made it worse. They confiscated all but one of the potions for evaluation while encouraging me to use the potion lab for the third to fifth years, an undertone urging for more.

     I did get to keep my books and notebooks though. Which I was worried about considering I needed them to practice. Which I did the moment I finished self study today, finding the lab was closer to my room than my little closet of a rogue room. I was the only rogue in the entire school so they had to whip one up fast and it only had the basics. Books and lockpicks.

      It was fun. Great class study.

      Not the time to be bitter. I was panicking in a doorway as the room was full of upperclassmen and I didn't even know the names of my classmen, I don't know how to act around them how am I supposed to act around those older than me? Do I just keep my head down and pretend I'm invisible? I feel like that's the right call. I'm doing that.

      With my decision made I ducked out of their view, none even looking my way too begin with, and swiftly made my way to the small table in the back. Silently pulling out my notes and books I pulled out the full vial I was going to recreate. Flipping my notes open I quickly read them over before pulling out the necessaries and doing them separately, making sure they were failures I mixed them in order.

       Slowly stirring it I watched carefully as the bubbles calmed and the colors mixed. A deep disgusting green remaining. Raising the mixing stick I held it shoulder level above the table, a drop falling and sparking on the table for all of a second. Okay. Easier than expected. Writing down my findings I poured the large mix into the many vials I had brought with me. All of which were the size of the one that remained in my care.

      Smiling as I corked them I hummed quietly. Picking one up I held it to the light and mildly curious as to how meanless potion failures could turn into something so powerful. Well... The big one was practically the size of my head and these are at least an eighth of that so I doubt they could kill...

       I should see the damage they do. Wiping up another two batches I completely filled the vials I brought and carefully put them in the cases I brought to prevent breaking. Sliding them in my spacial bag I plucked the three that did not fit into the cases and stealthily fled from the mostly silent room.

       I went to the magic training grounds as it was used to damage and found myself a mount of dirt that was likely from one of the many earth mages and tossed it as far as I could with my notebook out, just in case. It flashed, exploding as it sent the dirt around it flying. Quickly writing it down I threw the next one closer so I could see it better.

       Once more the explosion was no bigger than a dog, definitely strong enough to do damage but not enough to kill alone. Something I could use. It'd be helpful in the tournament. If I don't want to tarnish the Windsor name I have to at least rank in the top five, three being the ideal. There were already people looking down on father because I had glass magic, whether or not I got into the best lead school there is.

       I had to prove that the Windsor's were still a stronghold of a house and if I couldn't do that with magic, I was going to find any and every other way to do just that. Magic has nothing to do with this. Magic has nothing to do with this. 

         Pausing I blinked in surprise, that's right, this isn't about magic. This is about whether or not I can show my face to my family. This is about a nobles pride. If I can't make them proud I have no right to be called a Windsor. Magic doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be strong, there's no need to overpower others if you use it properly. Work smarter not harder. Brain over brawn.

         Magic doesn't matter.

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