Chapter 22

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       "What were those?!" Alex roared while the group raced off with their new equipment while I rubbed my chest with a wince. I was out of mana. That hadn't happened before.

       "Puppets," I grunted falling back to stare at the sky as I attempted to summon my dragon. Surprisingly, it worked, I suppose I don't use my magic to summon it then. Maybe I stored magic in it or it had its own magic? Perhaps when it consumes my glass its really eating the magic I made it with?

      "Puppets?" Adrian asked exasperated while I grunted in response, "Why didn't you tell us you could do that?"

        "I didn't know I could," I deadpanned sitting up to look over the dragon who was mostly shattered. "I can't fix it anytime soon," I muttered running my hand over the sharp stump that was supposed to be a leg. Taking my bag form Adrian I dug through it before offering some vials I made to it. It gladly ate them. Watching silently while they attempted to ask questions I watched as it began to mend itself.

        "Why'd you waste the vials? Can't you just make a ball like you usually do?"

       "I'm out of mana," I sighed rubbing my chest not wanting to feel that ever again. Burnouts weren't pleasant. I had assumed you just ran out of magic but no, apparently it feels like someones carving out your heart. Which isn't nice just so you know.

       "Wha- Can you repeat that?"

      "I'm. Out. Of. Ma-na." I said slowly with a glare wondering where he had gotten my potions. "Look, just because I have a lot of mana doesn't mean it's a bottomless pit, making obsidian should have taken that must effort but at the same time I don't know why it was obsidian to begin with. Puppets are hard to make," 

       "Alright... What's the difference between your 'puppets' and the dragon?" Glancing at Adrian, whose ability to remain calm and logical was a little off putting I looked back at the recovering dragon.

       "The dragon has a personality and only does what its told when it has too. The puppets... Need orders to move, they don't have personalities, they're just dolls," The word left my mouth before I could really think about them.

      "So they're going to try to stop him until they succeed? Does that mean we don't have to worry about him from now on?" Pausing I thought about it, they immediately mend after breaking and unlike a human, they likely don't have stamina. The possibility that they'll continue to chase him until they 'stop' him is very high. Stop... Has a lot of meanings.

       And they certainly weren't pulling their punches. What's the chance that they kill our hunter? It can't be that high... I should probably call them or change the order... Will they know if I change the order without being without hearing rang? Should I play it safe?

         Sighing I fell onto my palms while I leaned back, basking in the little sun that broke through the tree. Two glowing red circles appearing before me as they appeared, "No one over the age of sixteen is to come within a hundred meter radius of me until further notice, killing is prohibited." Watching them curiously, wondering if they can actually follow such orders. They didn't move, their heads hanging and their shoulders slumped while I narrowed my eyes.

       Did it not work? Does that mean the orders are limited or- their heads shot to the left before they sprinted in that direction, screams following a second later while my brows raised. First years should be fifteen, a few sixteen, so either they're being followed or the puppets don't understand age.

     The fact three teenagers were within sight in only a few seconds suggested the latter.

     "Can you guys deal with it? I think I'm going to take a nap we should be fine for a while, but if anything happens do wake me up," I sighed laying against the healed dragon who I glanced at. I should let it rest too considering it was nearly shattered. Which could or could not mean death. I'm not sure.

        "Fine, but don't go biting our heads off if we do,"

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