Chapter 9

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         This is blazen. One hundred percent true and utter blazen. I barely dragged myself in time to miss the stampede, with many of my year becoming part of it. I didn't even pay attention while I shoveled the entirety of the powered chalk down my throat. Only choking once at the end. The impossibly large cup gliding down easier than ever before as I dodged those already rushing out and doing the same as I really didn't want to do a makeup class.

       Dragging the large heavy bag that held everything I needed all day, not wanting to have to make a pit stop at any point. He once more showed up on time, the poor souls that had gotten into the routine of coming in late were chewed out and slapped with a recovery class. Class was as fast as always, one zooming by the other at a cruel pace that I was forced to follow.

        I didn't die as fast as I have been this week when I got to my physical classes but the moment I was in magic I was down in a heap of exhaustion and cuts, my glass having been shattered by the earth mage. It may have taken longer but I still wanted to die as my chest heaved and my head pounded.

     "You know kid, you're a rogue type, sure your magic's fragile but it's sharp, do a basic sneak attack, face to face is for illiterate barbarians," The aide said, he wasn't a lead, a support ranger, his lead, the barbarian, quickly slacked the back of his head.

     "He's not all wrong, you're a rogue, fight like one," she said crossing her arms looking down at me unimpressed while my chest heaved, all the running away taking a toll on my legs and horrible stamina. Surprise attack? But this is a head to head situation. How would I surprise him enough to get an attack?

      "Alright," I panted throwing my head back before pushing myself to my feet. Putting my hands on my thighs while I tried to catch my breath at least a little I looked at the confident classmate I didn't even know the name of. Something surprising enough to let me attack...

      "Go," Came the monotone voice as he shot forward, not hesitating in the least while I took a deep breath, heat spreading through my body as I cried out at just how hot it got. Still. It came at my call. The small dragon growled with its head low, the boy stumbling in shock while I rushed forward with the little stamina I had remaining. I didn't have the strength to take him down so I had to use other methods. 

      As the waist high dragon snarled and swatted at the desperately defending confused boy I skidded to a stop just outside his view. Sure it's fragile but it's sharp. The dagger manifested in my hand as I launched off the ground, my foot finding the base of his spine as he attempted to guard the glass dragon.

      He stumbled as my arms latched onto him, my legs quickly following, dragging him down as my hand dug through his thick wired black hair, the blade finding his neck as his weight quickly crushed me. He moved to get me off but was soon locked under a growling dragon. Teeth I was sure that didn't exist previously lining its mouth with claws just as long.

     "Down," I panted when he slapped my leg, tapping out. Releasing him from my grip I remained on the grass, tossing my dagger lazily in the direction of the dragon. The shattering sound finding my ears a second later.

       "... That... That was not what I was expecting," Came the bewildered voice that gave me the advice to begin with, my forearm shielding my eyes from the sun while I made a ball of glass for the beast to chew on.

        "LILITH WINDSOR!" Pulling my body stiffening at the power in the voice. The familiar voice. "We told you not to use that sinister magic!" Oof, I couldn't run. Getting to my feet, my hand finding my elbow uncomfortable with the fuming fire elite making his way over to yell at me some more. "You will not be using it again," He growled, in my face, while I looked down at our shoes.

        "I just thought... Since it-it was magic class it would be fine..." I trailed still avoiding his orange gaze while he grabbed the collar of my uniform and pulled me up by it, my gaze still avoided but very unhappy with the correct situation.

        "You are to never use the magic that demon told you of, if I see you doing it again, I'll turn you into ashes, you hear me?" Oof time two. Did he have to threaten me? In front of so many people? Come on, he's an elite... This is bullying... "I said, did you hear me?" How could I not? You're in my face.

     "... I'll be more careful," Why wasn't I shaking in my boots? I'd normally be running for my life by now... Those mismatched eyes crossing my mind as the manic laughter and wild attitude soon followed. He wasn't nearly as scary as she was. Not to mention he wasn't even all that older than me. 

       And yet he was an elite.

Shout out to @Eternal_Strength for reminding me to update. Thx~ I would have avoided it for another month or even two if you hadn't. Anywho, enjoy my lazies and lethargies~

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