Chapter 38

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       "Look! Look at there faces!" She grinned looking out the clear window as dad offered her his hand, which she took. Turning around the door I offered Felix mine, which he took while holding his dress in his other hand. We were being stared at by everyone. Which was to be expected, we just flew in on a grand carriage pulled by a dragon. Not a knock off.

        Growling it bared its teeth at someone that got to close causing them to stumble back in shock. With Felix's arm in mine, I gently knocked on the side of the carriage, unhooking the dragon from it.

        "You really have grown up," He hummed while I glanced up at him, opening my mouth to respond I only let out a strangled noise as I heard someone say something very insulting to my pride.

        "Who knew the nephew was participating? I almost mistook him for a girl with that face," The group glanced at my flat chest, deeming me male while my pride took a rough beating. Felix glancing at them before smirking.

         "Yo asshats!" He called, his voice giving him away as he flipped them off. "You got a problem?" Remember how I said we were being stared at? Yeah, well... Everyone was definitely now aware of which was which. Chuckling I shook my head while he grinned, it wasn't unusual for a guy to wear a dress but he really did look like his mother and that left many shocked when he spoke while dressed like this.

       Plus, mom was magic with makeup.

      "Felix! One does not cuss in public," Mom scolded while dad completely pretended he was deaf. "You use your fan to tell them where to shove it,"

        "Dear..." Dad sighed while I grinned slapping the dragon's side gently while we walked past. It disappeared from sight in a second while people went insane over it. I was a little bothered by the coldness that settled in my stomach but it wasn't as if I could have the thing around and we had already moved the carriage to proper parking so it wasn't as if it was moving anytime soon.

       "She's not wrong, you have no idea what people say with their fans," I whistled, the silent gestures meaning a lot of things that could range from seductive to downright insulting. It was a language of its own and I regretted knowing it.

      "And let's keep it that way," He said giving me a sharp look while I rolled my eyes pulling a bag over my shoulder. "Now let's hurry up, we're late as it is," 

       With a shrug, we were walking into the arena, escorting those in dresses to their seat, which was reserved for the participants family. The fact that dad was invited and accepted meant his heir, me, would be participating by his side as is the custom. Though, the second child is allowed to participate with the heir and current head.

        Let's just say, when we got to the center I got to see Alex pale and Jay freeze, both their eyes widening at the sight of me while I grinned like a fool. "Boys," I greeted, Jay's head going in his hands, his brother glancing at me, Jay completely paralyzed.

       "LLLLLIIIIILLLLLLTTTTHHHHHH! WOOOHOOOO! YOU GO GIRL! BEAT THEM INTO THE GROOOUUUNNNDDDDD!" Came the recognizable scream from the crowd. Waving at Adrian with a smile he just screamed louder, mostly telling the boys that they were going, and I quote, 'get their asses handed to them' I saw surprise flash on Jay's mother's face. 

        Likely because they had supposedly been friends since they were kids. Alex's father also vaguely surprised, much like his brother, it wouldn't surprise me if he had dropped by Alex's to freeload for even a day. Glancing at the other family, the head standing there with death in his eyes while he seemed to be waiting for his heir. 

      I bounced over to Alex, as he was closer I grinned while he completely hid behind his hands. "You know I can see you right?" I asked amused that he even attempted it.

      "I was really hoping it was your cousin participating," He said, his hands muffling it while I raised a brow. I've actually heard a few things about how Felix was thought to be participating.

      "You know, you're the first to say hope in that sentence, everyone else just assumed he was," I hummed giving Jay a finger wave while he hid behind his mother. "Everyone just thought he'd be doing it because I've got glass magic and dad's not exactly a combat kinda guy," 

      "Yeah, well I know better," He sighed, finally dropping his hands from his face, he looked at mine for a second before his gaze snapped away from me making me raise a brow. Oh right. Makeup.

       "Oh, yeah, I look kinda creepy with makeup on, don't I? My dad can't look me in eye when I wear it, though, he's an absolute scaredy cat," I nodded understandingly, touching my cheek while I grinned. 

       "It's more like I'm not used to it and it's giving me the creeps, if you wore it all the time I'd probably feel the same when you didn't wear it," Humming I patted his shoulder.

       "I got it, you don't have to worry, I ain't gonna wear it at school, now, if you'll excuse me, I have to torment Jay," I waved over my shoulder while I went to do just that, a guy jogging into the arena, my gaze shifting to him, his eyes mismatched. The vibrant red and electric blue reminding me of a certain monster.

       Only, he had a face as cold as the man he jogged up to. 

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