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Ask me questions here and you'll very likely get an answer(I do change spelling and grammar though). I don't mind the DMs but I'd prefer to answer here. Those that ask in the chapter they're curious about, again, I don't mind but I'd rather do it here.

Also, like, share your ships because if you can convince me I will totally put it in the reboot. I love how many people ship Lilith and Adrain in the first half but shift to Lilith and Dyeth in the last half. It's hilarious. (Adrain and Lilith shippers are way less aggressive even if it's the same person)

Do you take fanart?
Absolutely but if you don't want me to share it in the fan art section that will soon be up then please tell me.

Is there a planned relationship for Lilith?
Lmao, not a chance. I just roll with it man, I have a vague idea of what I want the plot to look like. Talk me into things, I don't care.

Is Adrain gay?
Nah, more like pan. A fuck boy that is mindful not to let Lilith know too much but is otherwise chill with most people.

Why do guys wear dressings(not trying to rude or anything)?
Because clothes are clothes and fuck people who say you've got to have the right genitals to wear something. No other reason.

Why'd you change her magic :( it was more interesting when she could only use glass. The metal just makes her overpowered.
I'll admit that that was a bad move on my part. I was just studying and learned about a special metal they plan to use for space travel and was like 'yoooo that's neat, into the book it goes' but I'll be taking it out so no worries.
More about that overpowered bit, yeah yeah, I get that a lot so she'll be downgraded a little ability-wise.

What's a lead?
It's just a shortened word for leader. Like you lead someone. In other words, it's basically a boss type. It doesn't really have anything to do with magic.

Why do you know so many weird facts? Do you study them in school or like in personal time?
Both. Be more specific.

Are you still in high school? College? Working maybe?
You people sure are interested in my personal life, aren't you? Well, I started this book when I was in high school but it wasn't available for the public for a long while after it was started so who knows? This could be a lie. It could be the truth. Time isn't real.

Are the rewrites going to follow the same plot?
... Eh, maybe. First one will at least vaguely, I haven't decided if I want to break it into two books yet so I can't say for sure but regardless of that, the second book will not be the same. I'm not getting rid of that plotline just moving it.

Does Glass Magic's fandom have a name?
I hadn't really thought it had a fandom but no, but I'll take suggestions.

What inspired you to write Lilith?
Lmao, you'd think I'd have some fun or deep thing but I had been bored and decided to read a flower book and found how delicate and picky the were. I cracked a joke, to myself, that they were a lot like female leads in books and stuff then not even five minutes later my sibling brought a shit ton of dandelions in to make candy but I saw them and was like 'yoooooooo what if I made a bitch that determined????' And that's how I got the first idea of Lilith. She was originally a lot different and changes even more in the rewrite but I think she gets that dandelion 'you can't kill me' vibe better. I'll show you guys some concept sketches some time so you get just how different I made her over the course of figuring her out.

What's your favorite ship?

y favorite ship? Personally I like Lilith and Adrian but I also like Lilith and Alex because with either their personalities go really good together but I can't say I really have a favorite. But I've heard practically every ship possible (her and the rogue teacher, Alex and drain, Alex and Jake, her and the sword support teacher, her and the earth elite, this is a very long list so I'm just stopping here) and sometimes people will validate them and two do it in a way that totally makes sense and I quite enjoy but heads up- underage mingling will not happen. Anyway, I love your guy's 'ship rants'(as I've been told to call them) and just because I may like one pairing more than another don't mean either are going in.

Why don't you ever have Lilith do heroine things? Its honestly hard to tell that shes supposed to be the hero of the story.
This ones more of a dis than a question but whatever, Lilith doesn't do 'heroine/hero' things because she isn't really a hero? She the protagonist, sure, but she isn't a hero. More neutral and self-interested.

My questions to you, should she have freckles? What about dimples? These are things I haven't been about to decide on since making her and would love feedback on.

Now then, you want to see something in the book? Guess you've got to give me a reason to put it in. What me to take something out? I'm less likely to comply, but hey, you can try. Don't demand things because that will not go your way. At all. Until then, later my lazies and lethargics~

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