Chapter 57

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        "And here you are, a one of a kind earing that will naturally react if someone were to ever try to throw you in the pit, bonus, if you escape before you touch the lure or get stuck in the gate it won't go off," I grinned raising the dangly earing as he took it carefully. 

       "Do I have to wear it for it to work?" 

       "Oh yeah, if you're not wearing it it ain't gonna do shit," I snickered looking at the others I had actually made while I was at it. I should sleep. I haven't slept in two days. 

       "... And if I asked you to make more for the rest of the elites?"

       "I'd tell you to shove it," I didn't even hesitate while I clipped my over the cartilage of my ear before actually sticking it in the thing and putting on the back. Sliding in the one without the ear cuff into my other ear I glanced in the mirror, making a note on how it would look nicer if I had another earring piercing to compliment it.

      "Why is it you made one for me?" He asked sliding the single earring I made into his ear while I raised my brow.

      "You're the one that pays me," He paused to look at me in surprise clearly not thinking it would be something so shallow. He was a dick. Why else would I do it? "Now if you don't mind, I haven't slept in two days and my entire day is booked," I opened my door with a semi tight smile motioning him out while the sleeping cub stirred.

       "Remember tomorrow is your deadline," He sighed leaving while I didn't even answer and shut my door in his face. I face planted next to the cub and easily fell asleep a second later.

      "Put these on," I demanded while they just looked up at me with raised brows.

      "Hello, hows your day been? Because you've been ignoring us again," my sigh drag into a scoff while I sat down, my leg bouncing as I've been using my lunch to either sleep or work.

       "It's been tiring, I had to take my workers home and am currently having my puppets finish building my stable and lab as well as get the watering system I came up with up and working, my dragon's gone on an errand so I literally feel dead inside, and the cub I'm taking care of threw a hissy fit this morning and cut open my back on my way out, which, just so you know, I've opened a total of five times because this is blazen and the teacher are sadists. Now, put these on," 

     "Sounds like a nice day, why are you giving us jewelry?" Adrain asked as Alex went to be even more sarcastic.

     "They cancel out a very very deadly potion I've made and monopolized, and trust me when I say it's worse than death, now, put them on," Adrain shrugged pulling out one of his earrings to put it in.

      "I don't have my ears pierced," Jay said equally casual as he looked at the vial I disguised as a crystal.

      "I can fix that," He looked at me startled by the deadpanned reply.

     "Damn, when was the last time you slept?" I guess I was subtle sleep deprived.

     "I've gotten three hours of sleep in the last three days, put it on," I growled while he let out a whistle, digging through his pocket he pulled out a clip on earring and glanced at me while he tinkered with both before clipping the one I gave him onto his ear. I looked at Alex expectingly as he narrowed his eyes at me, expecting something himself.

     "Oh my- Alright! I'll explain better! Put the damn earring on," He slid it into the empty hole in his ear, having only one ear pierced but never bothering to wear an earring while I sighed, "Okay, well, I learned to make a gate potion, one to the pit, and then mass produced it and shipped it off to war because that's kinda my job, and in the beginning phases I happened to come across a way to cancel it out so I figured 'hey, why don't I make enough of these so my friends and family don't end up getting dragged to the pit because that's actually really painful and I don't ever want to be there again,'"

      "After the first time and a lot of luck, I dragged myself back to our lovely little realm and immediately made more of that shit because you really don't want to see what the pits like, I'm scarred for life, so I showed off to Edward because you can't just sell a product without telling them what it is and how it works, anyway, I was getting dragged back to the pit and obviously noped my way out of there, successfully selling my product, which gets us to here, where I had you guys wear a canceling potion so you don't accidentally end up being torn to shreds in the pit,"

       "Now, I really need to finish what I was working on before the black sludge wears off and I'm left passing out because that's life," I left as fast as I came not having time to see their reaction as I had to finish the crystal I had finally got to work.

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