Chapter 17

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         I just want to sleep... Whining I burrowed my face into the smooth dragon who was content with doing nothing after me letting it run free in the forest for the last month. Mainly because the dang was bigger than a freaking horse. It grew way to fast. It still tries to climb into the hammock I made it a while back only to realize only its head fits. It then sits there with its head in it for at least ten minutes before whining to me.

       Freeing it while I was going to classes was a very difficult decision that lead to a fun discovery. The blasted thing can be truly transparent if it so pleased. It was horrifying. I thought it had left my room so I panicked and ran all over the school but upon not finding it I went back to my room remembering I can summon it. So I summoned it. It was still invisible, panicked some more. It shrilled at me. I nearly had a heart attack. And that's the story of a fun discovery. Now, back to sleep I go.

       "Lilith! Open your door before I break it in!" Scowling I snuggled further into my blanket as my broken bed shifted, the skimming of claws on my wooden floor being drown out by the banging on the door. Claws? I jolted upright just as the door was thrown open, the bothersome person freezing at the sight of my dragon, who currently had teeth. Really long and very sharp teeth.

         "For the love of the gods! Down!" I shouted tossing my pillow at the beast as it didn't look away from her. "I gave an order!" I growled just wanting to sleep, the dragon giving a growl before turning back and crawling back into bed. The bloody thing only listened when I 'gave an order', which was mildly annoying. "It's Sunday, why are you here?" I grunted while her sharp eyes watched the beast who gladly stared back, its lips curled back to relieve its teeth which had yet to disappear.

      "What in the seven circles is a dragon doing in your room?" 

      "I made it," I deadpanned giving her a flat look while I rubbed my face.

       "You made it?" She asked, her brows flicking but as her lips parted and eyes narrowed, staring at me like I was a liar.

        "Yes, I'm a... Whatever you call it," I waved falling back on my bed, an unwelcomed wing on it. Grunting I rolled over and placed my hand at the base of its wing before pulling with my other hand. The thing popped off, as usual, the other fell off and shattered all over my floor. Not in the mood to care, I tossed the other in her vague direction, it to shattered.

       "A whatever you call it?" Oh my stars, can't she leave?


       "A what?"

        "Oh for Blazen's sake, my magic's animans, I make living things, go away," The silence that followed had me thinking she left but the illusion was shattered by someone I equally didn't want to deal with.

       "Why are you in her room?" Did the most bothersome people just decide to have a meeting in my room? "Lilith, why do you have so much glass... Everywhere." This time I sighed heavily and sat up to find glass was indeed everywhere. Everywhere everywhere. I'm so glad I ask my father for a spacial trunk, I do not want to know what my books would look like had they had to suffer a burst.

       "Happens," I said flatly, rubbing my face with both hands as I forced myself out of bed. Glancing at the still weaponized beast. Ugh. Snapping it disappeared while I let out a long groan before ruffling my hair. I wasn't going to go back to sleep. I couldn't now. Let the imprecated thing let off some steam in the forest and get rid of these pains. "What do either of you want? A day off means sleep, sleep I need, sleep I want, so talk fast,"

     "Boy, you're a dick when your half asleep, talk about character inconsistency." The glass stabbing out of my walls very suddenly grew longer and sharper while I continued to stare at her in a way that told her I was against her existence.

      "I thought I was being considerate of your sleep, it's three in the afternoon, I did not expect you to still be sleeping," Yeah, well, eat a shoe, "I came to collect the promised potions," Did I do something like that? Would I really really promise this potato sack something?

       "Potions? Oh, sweet pudding plum," I whined putting my face in my hands remembering my aggressively encouraged and mildly threatened request for military potions because I expressed my 'go screw yourself' in translating the recipe so they just make requests. Good way to get some coin. Bad way to get sleep. "Which one was it?" I asked scratching the rats' nest on my head while I grabbed my bag.

     "Which? Are you telling me you made a new one?"

      "No, Sparky, I'm asking which order." You know, I think I may unconsciously have a death wish. I mean, why else would I actively insult an elite with a superiority complex? To be fair... I have more social standing, elite or not he's a commoner he shouldn't get too pissed. We held each other's gaze for a moment, him trying to tell if I really did make a new one, me bluffy the fact that I did. He did not need to know that.

      "... Thirty mediums," He grunted, backing off while I stuck my arm in the bag looking for the case. Once I found it I tossed it lazily at him while he stumbled to catch it with wide eyes. I should really care about living but right now, sleep was more interesting. "Are you insane?!"

      "Probably, now give me my gold and go away," I grunted having not earned anything. he also tossed it, very much so glaring at me, before leaving me to deal with the other problem. "Why are you here?"

     "What was that?" Don't dodge my question with a question, that's not how this works.

     "What? The fact that he attempted to be considerate despite the obvious or the deal that just happened?" Don't answer the question used to dodge your own! Grumbling I rubbed my temples as I sat on my bed.

      "The deal! Why would I care if the douche canoe's kind? Okay, kinda curious but answer the first one first," 

      "The council buys potions from me for war, he attempted to be nice because I can raise my rate whenever I want because they have absolutely no chance at making them without me, trust me, they've tried," We stared at one another before I processed that she was still there, "Why are you even here? You're like thirty but acting like we're bffs, despite often beating me into the ground," 

        "Okay, first, I'm being you a black slush next time I decide to see you on a day off or in the morning, second, I'm twenty six, third, I was told to fetch you, and lastly, I'm breaking your leg tomorrow,"

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