Chapter 64

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        "Why is there so much forest?" Jay grumbled while Alex snorted. I ignored him, seeing the top of the wall not far from us. 

       "Wall!" I called over my shoulder, my jog speeding up as they all groaned but sped up all the same. Slowing as we got to the clearing I looked at the high wall, we were the firsts here by the announcers screaming.

      "Why do I have to do this?" Jay whined as his back found the wall about a foot away from me. Our hands locking in front of us as Alex shook his head gently before running forward with a bounce in his step. With a small wabble his foot found my hands. His other quickly planting on Jay's shoulder as he climbed to mine, reaching for the top of the wall.

       "Not high enough," He called looking down at us while we held his calves, the pain of his shoes digging into our shoulders unpleasant.


        "We already talked about this," I cut him off with a flat look, equally unhappy about it. With a slow breath, I moved my hands under his shoe. "One... Two... Three!" Clenching my jaw as we flipped so we were facing the wall, his stability falters for a moment.

       "I'm going to die!" He exclaimed as my arms trembled in agreement.

       "Just push!" I ground out using the little upper body strength I had to force his foot higher.

        "Almost there," He mumbled while I forced my forehead into the wall, the trembling increasing as I forced him even higher. Glancing at Jay, his arms also having issues with how big Alex was.

        "Remind me why I'm not going first?" Adrain asked behind us as I growled, the weight disappearing. My arms shaking as my hands roared to life at having to deal with such a thing after already being abused.

       "You aren't going first because you're arms aren't long enough," I glared while he nodded slowly, his brows up and face twisted in amusement while he took my spot on the wall. They cupped their hands as I took a few steps back before running into the jump. They threw me as high as they could while I reached for Alex, his large hand wrapping around my wrist as mine mimicked the action.

      "I'm so happy I didn't have to do that twice," I sighed in relief as he chuckled grabbing my other hand. My back to the wall while looked down at them. Jay using Adrain's thigh to get the height he needed to reach my legs. "If you get handsy, I'll carve out your eyes,"

       "Yes, because I want to hear a threat while I'm already fearing what you'll do dude," He glared, Adrain standing back up to push him up while my legs felt like they were going to be torn off.

       "Watch it," I growled while he grabbed my hips and pulled himself up. He glared at me again, pausing in his climbing to debate the risk of losing his hand. With a sigh, he risked it. Reaching up, his hand barely got hold of my shoulder before he fixed his grip and continued to climb. 

       "Ready?" I asked as I got a nod as Alex's arms flexed. Dropping one of my arms he waved his hand frantically, Jay taking it quickly before I was dropped right into Adrian's arms. 

       "You're lighter than I thought," He smirked while I gave him a flat look.

     "Can you stop insulting me? I will leave you down here,"  His smirk dropped as his eyes widened knowing I could.

    "Please don't," Smiling I patted his shoulder as he put me down.

    "That's what I thought," Stretching as it hurt to be used like a rope I rubbed my shoulders gently as I was about to be a stepping stone again. "You better do this fast," I sighed planting my feet shoulder width apart, my knees bend gently as I leaned against the wall.

       "Yes, ma'am!" He grinned putting his foot in my hands as I grunted, his other foot finding my shoulder while someone broke through the tree line. Dyeth. The weight on my shoulders disappeared while I met his gaze. He sized up the wall, coming to the conclusion he was screwed, before meeting my gaze again.

       Rubbing my shoulder I looked at Alex while he dragged Adrain up, Jay pulling his legs up- knocking himself off. His grip on Adrain's leg not loosening as he yelped, dragging him over, Alex's eye's widening as he too fell I stopped breathing. Only to screech in horror.

        "I'm going to kill you Jay!" I shrieked staring at the top of the wall with wide eyes. I can't get up there. This wall was smooth. Not even a bit of traction. Looking at the broad shouldered boy that stopped jogging, a smug raise of his brow as I took a deep breath. "YOU'RE SO DEAD YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I kicked the wall as he apologized wildly from the other side.


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