Chapter 49

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Short chapter and I'm not even sorry.

        I was crowded, many begging and others giving their stories. It grew and grew as my chest heaved faster and faster, trying my best to keep it together. Just as I was about to fall off the rope I was teetering on a loud voice cut in. "GET IN AN ORDERLY LINE!" Jumping I looked at the boy who crossed his arms, his father still watching me with cold curiosity.

        Looking away I ran my fingers along the diagonal scar on my wrist, unable to deal with it and them. They did as told while I soothed my breathing, sitting in a chair I made, forcing myself to calm down. I was here with a reason. I couldn't be overwhelmed so quickly.

       "You're a lot more... Fragile than I first thought," Ignoring him I smiled at the first in line, the woman holding as many books as she could while two children stood next to her, each holding three books.

       "I- I hope these are good enough," She stumbled over her words while she straightened her outfit with trembling hands.

       "Laiyati," I smiled gentling running my finger over the spin as I opened it carefully, it was in rough shape but it was readable. "The holy language... It's more than good enough," Biting her lips she let out a breath, pulling her children close as she let out a shaky breath, her eyes watering. "And Avuri, you don't see that every day," Avuri wasn't dead so much as it was a coding language, used mostly in illegal activity alongside Islin and Etfiufari, Sueflekhi being a blend of the three.

       "How's a gold and four coppers?" I asked as she nodded, her lip trembling while I smiled softly, offering her the coins she took with shaky hands.

        "Bless you, bless you," She strained to hold in her tears as I nodded, one after another. Most of the books belonging to that that I was looking for but I didn't cast aside those that weren't. The conditions coming from completely illegible to beautifully preserved, price swaying only slightly with the condition because I could still use those I couldn't read.

         "Aw..." Pausing as the boy offered the book with trembling arms, he was no older than me and the desperation in his eyes was clear. "This is... The language of the beast..." Opening the mildly dirty book I gingerly turned the pages, truly looking instead of scanning like with the others. "I've never seen a book written in Vovian," I admitted not the slightest idea what it said.

       "I- I have more," My gaze snapped up to meet his broken one. 

        "I'll give you a gold coin for every book in Vovian," I said without hesitation, Vixen had given me a collection of learning the language but I didn't bother to read it as I have truly never seen a book written in it, I've only heard the language mentioned here and there. "Do you... By chance know what it says?" I asked while he stumbled for words, those behind him looking at the book cautiously held in my hand.

      "I- I don't- But! My sister! She can!" He rushed while I licked my lips looking down at the book.

      "I hate to do this, but this is all for today, I'll be sure to come back tomorrow and am willing to buy any book even after the festival ends," I called, getting up while discouraged and frantic voices called from the crowd. "Why don't you take me to your sister?" I asked with a smile as he nodded frantically.

       Glancing at the two guard dogs I looked at the book in my hands once more before warily handing it to the boy. "If anything happens to the book you'll find I'm not nearly as fragile as I seem," I warned turned to the boy.

        "You can't seriously follow a rat into the sewers, you're a noblewoman," The older man scoffed while I glanced over my shoulder with a raised brow and sharp gaze, cold enough to put his to shame. His eyes flashed with an unexplainable fascination while I took the boy's hand uncaring of how filthy it was.

       "You should be careful Lord Reaper, words are rather powerful when put in the right hands,"

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