Chapter 5

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       Everything hurts. Getting out of bed seemed impossible and I wasn't able to find my motivation. I wonder where I lost it... Groaning as I rolled onto my other side I ignored the crunching of glass as I tried to snuggling back into sleep. Wait. Crunching of glass? 

         My eyes flew open as I looked around my once clean room to find it covered in glass, shattered and shaped, smooth and sharp, colorful and clear, all kinds of glass lying around my room, some even hanging from my ceiling. I mean. I had a chandelier. Scratching my head as it looked vaguely familiar I may have seen that in my dream.

       I can't really remember what it was about... Where did my ability to care go? Did it let lost searching for my motivation? Whatever, I'm going back to sleep, I'll deal with this later; when I'm not hurting so much. Grunting I fell back onto my pillow and went to close my eyes only to scream as something moved. Flying off my bed I miraculously fell into a glass chair- wait, that wasn't there a second ago.

       Screaming again as I bolted away from it I tripped over some huge fish and stumbled before catching myself on some peg. Wasn't there. Releasing them I quickly scrambled away breathing heavily as I tried to figure out what was happening. With my back firmly pressed against the door, I was reminded why I had started my fit to begin with as something moved under my blankets. Okay, yeah, no, I'm going to just-

          Plucking my uniform off my desk, which wasn't far from me, I quickly changed, while staring in the direction of the moving blanket. Stumbling into my shoes I when to open my door when it struck me. My necklace... Looking at the purple crystal hanging from my headboard I nearly died. Do I need it? Yes, very much so. But do I really? Yes. Really really? Unfortunately.

        Well, blazen, I might as well die today. Moving around the stuff I apparently created I slowly reached over the still moving blanket and carefully raised the necklace before just as slowly pulling it away. Letting out a breath of relief as I pulled it on I turned to leave, only to fall right on the bed, the blanket being forced off and the thing moving beneath it free. 

       Oh my stars... Did I make that?

       "Miss Windsor! Please slow down!" Miss Helensworth shouted as I dragged her to my room, I've been waiting all day to show her this and I was not going to slow down when I didn't know what to do with it. Opening my door hastily I all but shoved her in and closed it behind me. She gapped at the room full of all kinda of glass figures. 

        "So I kinda woke up to this..." I trailed looking around once more, yeah... That was a lot. 

        "Oh my stars... This... This is unlike anything I've ever seen..." That's my cue.

        "Oh, if you think this is amazing," Grinning I tossed my blanket up and pulled out my suitcase, putting it on the bed I opened it and the little beast was in the air a second later.

        "Is that a...?" She gasped as the little thing that landing on the chandelier and started to eat the glass like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

        "Dragon? Yes, woke up with the little beast next to me," I shivered at the horrific memory. "Every time I do..." Raising my hand I made a small ball of glass and it looked down at me before opening it's glass wings and landing on my arm, wrapping its tail around my bicep as it started to eat the glass, "That, it comes to me as if I was it's mother and nothing to fear,"

        Dragons hated humanoids. It was a common fact. You show one, you ran. Even the young ones would rather eat their own tail than be around a humanoid. But this little glass dragon was more than happy to be around me and every attempt I made to leave my room this morning ended with it shrieking until I came back. That was why I put it in my suitcase. It was totally quiet in there.

       "I... I... This is unprecedented! I don't know what to say! I don't know what to do!" She ran her hands through her blonde hair and started to pace, making comments on the other glass laying around before looking at the dragon and starting all over.

          "I, uh, don't mean to upset you further but... It can do this thing..." I trialed as she looked over and I started down at it, "Sooo... I'm just gonna show you..." I raised my other hand, scratching the smoothly jagged head of its before carefully getting a hold of its wing. Upon my grabbing it, it popped off without the slightest of resistance and the dragon didn't even stop eating from my hand.

          The wing started to grow murky before creaking and shattered. Looking back at the dragon as the other just popped off but fell, shatter the moment it met the ground. She looked ready to burst but I held up a finger before closing my hand, hiding the glass it was eating, and jerking my arm up, forcing it into the air.

         It didn't even make a sound as wings appeared and it landed right back where it was to snack on the remaining glass. Just to prove my point further I slide my pinky between where its wing and back was supposed to meet but did not. The wings were floating. She didn't know what to say and I didn't know how to feel.

       I made a dragon. In my sleep. AND IT WAS ALIVE! I made a living creature without the help of another! I don't know how to feel about that, I was a mother now, I was not prepared to be a mother to a creature that despised my species. So I was heavily relying on my magic mentor. Looking up in hopes she'd share some advice I took in her pale form concerned.

        She then passed out.

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