Chapter 30

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         I thought I was going to die. Oh my Stars, did I think I was going to die. I just gambled the temper of a holy beast to hold information from the elites for a reason I didn't even know! Oh gods... Adrian and Alex, they were going to be asked and if they find out I dodged the truth with some unappealing suggestions then I could really face some serious consequences. Why do I keep doing this?!

      With a deep slow breath, I thought through the explanation I gave them, the odds that Adrian memorized the circle was low but Alex... Alex could have done it, even if he didn't I broke it down so anyone could understand. And if they remembered half that I was screwed. Throwing open my truck I started stuffing things into my bag while I snatched a few black marbles from the vase I worked to fill any time I had spare mana.

      It was surprising how many I had made in the last three days. Filled up a vase. Not the point.

      Racing out of my room I sprinted to the boys' dorm, easily estimating where they'd be placed given their standings. Screeching to a stop as I reached Alex's room I knocked on the door while I looked around, when no reply came I knocked again, more frantic this time in case he was sleeping, which would be reasonable.

       The door opened and I turned to look at him about to tell him but it wasn't his face I saw. Edward. Swallowing my words I smiled, glancing behind him to find only Alex. "I hate to inform you of this Lilith but the boys' dorm is off limits to those that do not live in it," He said coldly, a tight smile on his lips.

      "My apologies, it's just that I was going to ask Alex to help me in the potion lab, I was going to test something new and some friendly help would be much appreciated," When was I this good at lying?

       "... Be sure to remember the rules," He said walking off as I bounced on my heels for a moment before jumping into his room and closing the door behind him.

       "What'd he ask and what'd you answer?" I demanded looking out his window, biting my lip as I could only guess why they had separated.

        "Yes, hello, I've been nice despite you ignoring me in class for the last three days for a reason I don't know," He deadpanned while I opened my mouth before closing it and sighing.

      "I'm sorry, hello, I shouldn't have ignored you even if I was busy, how have you been?"

      "Like that matters! Why was an elite asking me questions about the horrific summoning that damn well traumatized me?!" He roared hopping to his feet while I glared at him.

      "Oh I don't know, because they always want to use me for this or that! When I told them that I wasn't contracted to the beast they just got pushy so I dodged their questions! Now, what did you tell him?!" 

      "I told him that the price for summoning something of that caliber wasn't something anyone would ever willingly give! You damn neared died! When he got pushy I just shut down because seeing something like that is not something I want to remember!" He snapped while our chests heaved. Okay. That was good. That was a good response.

      "Thank you, you're the best and I'm sorry!" I called turning tail and running only to skid at the doorway that I tore open, "Go to the potion lab please!" I smiled while he threw up his arms and I sprinted to Adrian's room, seeing a pissed fire elite walking the other way. Pulling the door open I slammed it behind me, looking around the messy room until I spotted him staring at me with a raised brow. "What'd you tell him?"

       "That he was a douche," He said calmly while I blinked in surprise, "Oh, but if you're talking about the fact he nearly burned down my room asking about that Stag of yours then I simply said all I remembered was burning out and passing out just as blood practically rained," He said pulling a smile and wiggling his brows. "I'm the best, I know,"

       "You really are," I sighed leaping to hug him as the relief hit. They both answered in the best way they could have. Chuckling he hugged me back and the door unfortunately opened in that moment. The boy who opened it pausing as we both looked at him. My eyes wide and Adrian unbothered.

       "Don't tell me you-" he cut himself off motioning between us while I stared at him horrified by the idea.

       "Okay, ouch, you don't have to look so utterly disgusted, I'm hot you know, and no dickhead, we're not dating or anything of the like," He added with a pointed look as that was what was originally implied, "This is Lilith, a friend from magic class,"

       "But I'm in your magic class," He said skeptically.

       "Other one dunce," 

       "You don't have to be mean..." He looked down at me before ruffling my hair with a sigh.

       "You are far too soft to be-"

       "YO! Wait, you mean that Lilith?" Oh. Gross. He's a Bro™.

       "Yeah, that one," Are their more than one Lilith's in this school? It's a rather unique name so I didn't- "Stop over thinking freak," He cut off my throats rolling my head lightly, "Also, I think my hand's stuck in your hair," Blinking I reached up to find his fingers tangled in the mess of curls.

        "Dude! You're the hottest news there is! The chick on the dragon dishing out supplies no one would have gotten otherwise and saving countless people-"

        "246 actually, 246 students or 82 groups-"

        "For the love of- shhhhh, stop thinking,"

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