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I was sitting on a roof outside the academy watching the class. they were about to finish for the day.

As if on cue they began filling out. I saw my brother coming out looking pissed. His hands were in his pockets as he walked to the swing. when he sat down I jumped beside him.

"whats wrong Otouto-san?" I asked ruffling his hair.

He began grumbling insults and my eyes narrowed seeing Iruka walking towards him. I stood in front of Naruto meeting Iruka's gaze.

"Akane why haven't you been in class for the last few days!!" he asked with irradiation.

I gave a smirk as I waved his anger off.

"its none of your concern," I said plainly.

He grew angry only making me angry.

"Naruto you have to go clean the Hokage faces," Iruka said.

"like hell, he's going with you." I snapped.

"he has to it's his job to clean it up," Iruka said.

I was growing anger. However, Naruto being the idiot he is grabbed my broken arm. My face contorted with pain but thankfully naruto couldn't see. Iruka, on the other hand, looked mildly concerned.

"what-" he began but I cut him off.

"nothing," I said coldly.

"don't worry Imouto," Naruto said trying to calm me down.

"whatever. Make sure you're home before your curfew." I mumbled walking away.

I was walking through the village and when I came to an alleyway I heard three pairs of footsteps. I turned around to see the three from earlier. My first clenched. I took my stance but the guy that beat me walked in front smiling. He held a photo of brother smiling.

"you care about him right. So don't fight back or we'll take our anger out on him. and from what I know he's weaker than you." he said in a cocky tone.

My eyes narrowed as my fist clenched. A fist connected with my face and I was sent flying across the ground. A foot came to my gut and I rolled a bit back.

I heard them laughing. The two I beat came up and picked me up and held my arms to keep me up. A first came to my stomach and another, another, another and many more. He stopped and I spewed blood. I looked up weakly and smiled.

"is that the best you've got," I said with a smirk.

"shut up," he said punching my face.

He went back to punching my stomach and I felt myself losing the ability to stay awake. However, I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of beating me.

"you'll have to do better than that." I choked out.

I watched him pull out a kunai and aim it for my stomach. I had the urge to close my eyes but I kept them open looking Into his. He was about to stab when I felt two new people arrive.

"what's going on here?" a familiar voice called.

I looked to see someone holding the wrist of the man that was about to stab me. Their arm was pulled back and bent back and the man was forced to the ground.

I was dropped and fell to the floor. I looked up at the two new faces to see the Third Hokage looking unimpressed and Ibiki holding the man that beat me to the ground.

The Hokage walked up to me holding his hand out to me. I stubbornly looked away with a huff.

"Ibiki I'll leave those three to you." the Hokage said.

Ibiki nodded and took the three of them with him. I was left alone with the Hokage. He kneeled by me.

"why didn't you fight back. You're perfectly capable of doing So," he said.

I looked to the side with a scowl.

"they threatened naruto if I fought back," I mumbled.

He sighed standing up.

"you should go to the hospital," he said.

"Like fuck I am." I hissed.

I watched as a smile came to his face.

"very well. But I'll be walking you home," he said helping me up.

He first grabbed my broken arm causing a hiss of pain. He then helped me up more carefully. He walked me home and I gave a small bow to him.

"if you can't do the graduation test tomorrow I'll allow you to do it another day," he said walking away.

I sighed sitting on the couch pulling out the medical supplies. This should be fun.

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