Bridge builder

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I stood in front of the Hokage as he looked through missions. He was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. I watched as my brother's team entered. Naruto ran up to me.

"Akane are you here to also get a mission?" He asked.

I nodded and I watched as his two teammates looked at me. I looked away and back at the Hokage.

"I'll get back to your mission Akane. Let me find one for them first." He said.

He listened off D ranked missions and I watched my brother get irritated refusing to do them. The Hokage finally caved in giving them a C ranked mission. An escort one.

A drunk old man walked into the office and looked at us.

"These brats are meant to protect me. Can the short stupid looking one even fight." He asked.

Naruto laughed before realising the man was talking about him. They were about to leave until the Hokage stopped them.

"Akane you'll join them for this mission." He said.

I looked at the Hokage as he smiled at me. We were told to go pack and meet at the main gates.

I went home with Naruto as we packed. He grumbled to himself and I laughed gaining his attention.

"What's so funny?" He whined.

"Instead of complaining show him wrong," I said looking at him.

He continued to mumble as we both packed. We went to the front gates and Naruto walked up to his two teammates chatting. I stood off to the side and smiled.

"It seems you're making friends," I said with a gentle smile.

I heard footsteps and I turned to the bridge builder. He met my gaze and I didn't break eye contact. I watched him get nervous. I heard another pair of footsteps and Kakashi showed up.

"Now Akane you aren't familiar with our team's ways, so just watch unless you need to get involved. But this is a simple escort mission so nothing bad should happen." Kakashi said.

I nodded as I saw slight guilt on the bridge builders face. I decided to ignore it for now as we began walking to the land of waves.

After a while of walking, I wiped a bead of sweat of my forehead at the heat. I sighed but my attention was drawn to a puddle in the middle of the path.

That was unusual. It hasn't rained in the past few days and today was hot. Why was there a puddle? Kakashi turned to me and I looked at him. He gestured towards the bridge builder and my eyes slightly widened before I quickly nodded.

I picked up my pace so I was now next to the bridge builder. I wasn't sure what was going to happen but if Kakashi wanted me near the Tazuna then something must be going down soon.

I heard something and I quickly spun around seeing Kakashi being ripped to shreds. Impossible he's a jounin. The others freaked out.

"Naruto you idiot behind you!" I yelled.

Naruto just froze. I jumped forward pulling out a kunai Sasuke also jumped forward with a shurican. He threw the shurican at the chains of the two nin and I threw my kunai so it loves the shurican to the chain so they were now stuck to the tree by their chains.

We bother kicked the enemy in the face. They separate and went after the bridge builder. Sakura stood in front of the Tazuna and Sasuke stood in front of Sakura. I growled.

"How annoying," I growled.

I jumped forward roundhouse kicking the guy in the throat and punched him in the gut before kicked him away only for Kakashi to grab him.

"So you didn't die. Way to worry us you old perv." I mumbled.

I turned to my brother who was still frozen. I watched as Naruto freaked out. I sighed. He had to learn for himself I, Kakashi nor Sasuke would always be there for him all the time.

I watched Sasuke provoke my brother. I shot a glare at my brother noticing the cut on his hand. I walked up to him taking a look at it.

There was a slightly purple tinge. Kakashi also noticed it was poisoned. They were talking about going back to the village because of the poison and for this mission wasn't a C ranked mission.

I sighed as Naruto stabbed his hand refusing to go back. I slapped him shocking everyone. I ran water over his hand letting it wash away the poison. I then noticed the wound healing and I quickly wrapped it so no one else would notice.

"That hurts Akane." He mumbled.

"Then don't go stabbing yourself, you idiot. I mean come on how stupid can you get," I growled.

He mumbled insults at me and I punched his head.

"Watch yourself brat or you won't get back to the leaf on one piece." I threatened.

He nodded as he went a bit pale. So now we continued our way to the land of waves.

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