Reacurring dream

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I followed the bridge builder and st on top of a building near where he was working. I was meant to be resting but I found it annoying so I decided to watch tazuna secretly.

I watched the other builders taking about leaving and I sighed. Damn cowards. They should see this project to the end. I sighed and laid down on the roof looking up at the sky. A gentle salty breeze cams rushing past me and I took a deep breath letting the fresh air fill my lungs. I closed my eyes and I felt myself drifting off.

When my eyes opened and I was surrounded by darkness with the occasional flicker of red in my vision. I looked around trying to figure out where was. I felt water splash at my feet and I froze hearing voices.

"There our children. Let's believe in them." A male voice that seemed to soothe me spoke.

I then saw a person emerged from the darkness and a sick feeling came to my gut. He had a cloak covering his body chains around his wrists and a mask covering his face. He walked toward me and fear shot through my body. I was frozen in place unable to move no matter how much I willed my legs to run.

He was in front of me and went to grab my neck. I closed my eyes and felt the hand around my neck and tighten stoping my breathing. However he let go and I heard something so I opens the again to see a blue chakras ball hitting the person and he disappeared.

"I'll always be here to protect you." Thy same comforting voice said.

I leapt up with a gasp and looks around to see I was still on the roof near the bridge but it was late. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I've had that dream before and it always shook me to my core. I don't know why or what it's meaning was but I hated it. I lifted my hand to my neck and shivered.

I then noticed tazuna walking so I followed trying to get that stupid dream out of my head. He soon got back to his house and I stayed outside in a tree not feeling like going in. I heard my brother come out and he didn't look to happy. So I jumped down landing in front of him. He glared at me which I didn't expect.

"You upset Sakura. Why do you always have to be so cold." He snapped.

"Hey did you ever think to get my side of the story." I shot back.

"No. I know what you're like. You're mean to people that you don't care about and you don't try and get to know them. You need to stop." He said angrily storming off.

My jaw and fists clenched as I shook. I felt tears sting my eyes and my head shot up and I looked at my brother.

"So your stupid crush is more important to you than your own sister. You idiot, remember you stayed up with you every night when you couldn't sleep and tended to your wounds when you were hurt. Who always loved you unconditionally. If you're willing to throw that away for something like this I now know how much I mean to you!" I yelled and ran off.

I soon found myself by the water looking at the reflection of myself a I held back my tears. I knew he would move on from me and I told myself I was okay with it. But it hurt to know he seemed to put Sakura above me.

My eyes narrowed in anger and sorrow. I was insecure an now I was positive he hated me. I shook and took a strand of my hair remember ing what Naruto always said.

You're long red hair is so pretty.

stupid naruto. I grabbed a kunai and held it to my hair cutting through it so it rested above my shoulders. I watched it fall to the ground and water. (Like in the cover.)

I sighed and ran my finger through it and gave a smile. I kinda liked it short. Easier to manage. However my mood soon dropped thinking about facing my Brother and I sighed leaning against a tree. I still love him but I don't wanna see him right now. I let him have Sakura and see if she does what I did.

To survive this world don't make friends or care for anyone. I like to follow that rule but my brother was always and expected. And look what happened when I made an exception. I finally let a tear run down my face.

I brought my knees to my face hiding my tears. This I why I don't make friends. They hurt you.

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