A genin

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I watched Naruto leave to go to the academy to see what's happening now that he's graduated. I sighed and sat on the couch trying to hide my hiss of pain. Mainly from my broken arm. Everything else was beginning to heal and I had a high pain tolerance.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see the Hokage. I sighed as he walked in. I sat down and he stood in front of me.

"Make as many clones as you can." He said.

I looked at him suspiciously before making six clones. He smiled as he passed me a forehead protector. I blinked a few times as I took it.

"The fuck?" I said.

He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"That was the graduation test." He said.

"You're kidding. To become a ninja all I had to do was make a few clones. There has to be more to it." I said suspiciously.

He again laughed.

"I'll tell you about it in a few days when you heal up. But I have no doubt in my mind you'll pass." he said walking out.

I sighed and laid down on the couch. How annoying. What was that old geezer going to make me do? I swear.

My eyes began to close and I was now half asleep. I felt someone put a blanket on me but I didn't have the energy to open my eyes.


Kakashi and the Hokage stood in the Uzumaki siblings apartment soon after the Hokage visited her. He saw her sleeping soundly on the couch and the Hokage laughed.

"So this is Akane, older sister of Naruto and first child of those two," Kakashi said.

The Hokage nodded as he placed a blanket on her.

"Correct. She has great potential." The Hokage said.

The two went into the kitchen where there was a mess. Kakashi picked up a milk carton shaking it.

"This milk is way out of date. One sip of it and you'd be running to the toilet all day." Kakashi mumbled.

"You'll have your hands full with your team. I wish you luck." The Hokage said.

"You'll also have your hand full lord Hokage. Aren't you planning on training her yourself?" Kakashi said.

"Yes. With her Uzumaki blood, she could become a great Allie to the leaf. With the right training, she'll become a force to be reckoned with. However, because I'm the Hokage I'll have to find someone that can train her when I can't and that will be able to take her on missions." The Hokage said.

Kakashi thought for a moment before looking at the Hokage shocked.

"You don't mean him. If they meet they'll bring the whole village down." Kakashi said worry evident in his voice.

The Hokage just laughed.

"Yes, I mean him. And slowly I hope she'll accept him as her permanent sensei." he said.

"That's right. She doesn't trust people. You are one of the only people she trusts. That's why you're training her" Kakashi said realising the situation.

He did know how much of a hand full she would be but he was stuck with her brother which could only be the same if not worse.

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