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I sighed as I looked at the clock. It was almost past Naruto's curfew. I sat up and pain ran through my body. I felt my feet touch the ground but I froze sensing someone in my room. I went to get up but I was frozen in place. I saw a shadow in the corner of the room and I felt my heart rate pick up. I felt my whole body become heavy as my eyes began to close.

"who are you," I asked as I become more tired.

"quite a strong young girl to be able to stay awake." A male voice said.

I forced myself up but I couldn't take a step. It was hard enough not falling on my ass. I looked at my chest of drawers where I knew there was a kunai. The one under my mattress wasn't there because I threw it at gramps earlier.

All I had to do was get it. I jumped for the drawer pulling my undies draw open and threw the kunai at the man. I watched shocked as it just passed through him. That's when I heard a childlike laugh.

"Tobi doesn't think that was nice. But Tobi is a good boy and will forgive you." That childlike voice said.

I finally fell to the ground. My vision blurred. I bit my lip. I felt a light sting as a metallic taste came to my mouth.

"who the fuck are you?" I asked as I finally passed out.


The figure walked up to Akane wiping the blood from her mouth. He smiled at the still obvious strain on her face.

"Your Uzumaki blood could be useful to me in the future." He said before disappearing.


Naruto walked into the house tired and beaten. He walked to his room completely oblivious to what happened a few hours to his sister. And completely forgetting about his curfew. Lucky for him his sister woke up a few minutes ago.


I heard footsteps in the house and having only just woken up after that indecent I was hypersensitive. I stood up prepared to fight however I slightly relaxed seeing my brother. Anger soon filled me. It was beyond passed his curfew and I was beyond worried about him.

I walked up behind him punching him. He turned to me shocked. I then pulled him into a hug. He was tense before relaxing a bit.

"That hurt onee-Chan." He mumbled.

"You idiot if you're going to late warn me. I was worried." I said as I held him more tightly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I would be late. Are you okay? You seem more on edge than usual.' Naruto said.

"Yea I'm fine. You just had me worried you, idiot. Don't do it again.' I said.

I watched him go to his room. I watched as he passed out. I sighed running my fingers through my hair. I was about to leave however I then saw the leaf forehead protector in his hand. I slightly laughed. It seems you passed brother.

I was happy for him and worried. It seems you would be leaving me. I wouldn't be able to protect you forever and that scared me. I leaned against his door holding a sad expression. I couldn't always be there for him.

"may I ask that you look after him nine tails. You're are the only one with him every moment of every day. I know you hate being sealed in him but... I don't know.' I mumbled to myself.

Naruto's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now