Chapter 1

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6 years later


“Jonah c’mon you don’t want to miss your plane.” “I’m coming momma. I’m  making sure I have everything.” I hear my son coming down the stairs. “Do you have everything you need at least until I come and the house is ready?” “Yes, ma’am” “Why the face baby?” “I want you to come with me. What’s going to happen to our Sunday’s now.”

“We can video chat and watch movies every Sunday until I move and the house is complete. Now if you don’t want to play football then, by all means, please stay son.” “Come on momma I don’t want to miss my plane.” “Of course you don’t” I say as I grab my keys.

-           At the airport –

“You have about an hour and a half wait time something happened to the other plane and they getting a new plane.” “Momma, your dad is he going to want to see us?” “Seeing that when grandma died when he came to the funeral he didn’t look mine or your way.”

“How long exactly has grandma been sick?” “Truthfully I don’t know. Patrick called me about three months ago, but you were still in school so I couldn’t just up an pull you out and move. I called her every day along with calling your uncles.”

“Did you ever think I would be going to your old school mom?” Jonah says while laughing. “Shut up Jonah,” I say while laughing with him.
“Odell and Patrick have talked with talked with all the coaches except the head coach and told them you were moving from out of state and apparently since your hot commodity and one of the top players it was easy.” “I still want to earn my spot as a starter. It still is other players better than me.”

“Jonah” “Mom. Yes, I can play any position but excel at being a quarterback which is my may part but I am going to a new school. I don’t know what kind of players are at the school. I did see they got a new coach I forgot his name.”

“Ima misses you,” I said resting my head on my son's shoulders. “It’s the first time we have ever been apart.” “I know but soon as this job is done the house should be finished by then. Thankfully my job has an opening there and if I do a good job at interior decorating this hotel and the rooms I will get a promotion. “I’m proud of you mom.” Thank you, baby” I sit up. “I will be here the second week you start school.”

“Will you be here for my first game?” “You’re a senior and your worried about your mom coming to see you play?” “My mom is my biggest fan.”
“Momma I know you have to finish your job because you are on contract and we need to let the house get finished, but can you come sooner, please?  Pleassssssssssssse” “I thought you liked spending time with your uncles and talking to them?” “I have only seen them a handful of times and talking to them is not like staying with.” “I know baby. If it was any other way I would be going.”
“I know. I know. It’s just being around complete strangers even if they are family.” “Maybe us moving Y'all will get to know each other and build a bond and have some male role models in your life.” “you are enough mom.”  


“Alright baby that’s you.” “I love you momma” “I love you, Jonah,” I say hugging him tight as tears spill from my eyes. “I’ll get their soon as I can.” “Okay momma” “Please behave and remember your manners.” “Yes, ma’am. Bye momma. I love you.” Jonah says as he kissed my cheek then turned to go down the terminal.

I waved bye to my son as tears flowed harder and my heart broke. I stayed until the plane left then I went home.

Getting on the plane was hard. I would give up playing football to stay with my mom but I know she wouldn’t let me do that. I honestly won't be going to stay with these people family or not. I don’t know them. Everybody hates my mom for having me which makes me more protective of her and her heart. She is my rock.

As the plane ascends up a tears spill from my eyes. I quickly wipe them away as I put my earbuds in and let the music consume me.

-          In Cali –

After the plane landed and I retrieved my luggage I was looking around for my uncle who I did not see. I took out my phone ready to call my mom when I heard.

“Jonah is that you.” He said smiling walking up to me. I faked smiled back and said “yes sir it’s me uncle Patrick” He hugged and looked me over. “Man have you grew up. C’mon let’s get out of here.”

The car ride was silent until my uncle broke the silence. “Do you want something to eat?” “Yeah I am hungry and that was a long flight.” He nodded his head and quickly took out his phone sent a quick text. “Mom would kill you if she knew you were texting and driving with me in the car,” I say laughing.

“She will be fine besides that was Odell I told him to meet us at Zaxby’s.” “Nephew I know you don’t know us and we don’t know you but we are looking forward to spending the summer with you and really getting to know you. All we ask is that you meet us less than halfway. Asking to meet us halfway is too much right now.” I nodded my head. “I understand and I can do that.” He nodded his head.

We pulled into the parking lot and quickly parked when another car pulled up and I saw my uncle Odell who quickly got out the and hugged me.
“Nephew. I’m glad you here. How was your flight.”  “I was good,” I say as we walked into the restaurants. After we placed our order we sat and it was silence. Until uncle Odell broke the silence.

“The assistant coach Mr. Willis said tomorrow afternoon you can go to school look around and he will talk with you. The head coach will be back soon but he is up to date about everything. You will meet him when practice starts.” “Do you know who the head coach is?” Uncle Patrick asked me. I shook my head no.

“He one of the greatest quarterbacks the NFL has ever seen and he uses to go to the school.” “Did mom know him?” “I don’t think so if she did she never mentioned it to me.” “Me either,” Patrick says. 

“Truthfully nephew with that arm of your I say you will surpass his record and break it.” A smile crept upon me. “Yeah maybe.”

After that, we left and I went uncle Odell two bedroom apartment. After a quick shower and call my mom I went to sleep.

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