Chapter 28

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Upon arriving at school as I was about to walk in my office I heard loud screaming. Walking towards the boisterous noise I started hearing
“You hurt my mom” “Jonah”  Picking up the pace to where they were as they continued.
“Please listen. I didn’t mean to hurt your mom or your aunt.” “But you did. What the fuck did she do? Why did you hurt my mom? What did she do to you.” “Your mom is an amazing wo-“  “Shut up and stop trying to make what you did somewhat okay.” “Jonah I know your hurt and I am sorry I hurt you and your mom. I deeply apologize to you and your mom.” “Fuck your apology. If you apologizing that mean you knew you were going to hurt my mom. You intentionally hurt her. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here with your fake ass apologies.”  “Jo-“ I cut Keith off.
“Coach Hall my office now.” He nodded. “Jon-“ “NOW KEITH”   I yelled and he scurried off quickly leaving me and Jonah alone.   
“I never thought he hurt my mom. I thought you hurt her again.” “I will never hurt your mom again.” “What happened this weekend. Momma is not the same.” “Don’t worry. Just protect her and take care of her. I will take care of the rest.” “Who hurt my mom?” “Jonah go to class and take care of your mom. You have my word I am going to take care of those who hurt your mom. I promise.”
The look on Jonah’s face I couldn’t even begin to explain or describe as he walked off to class. Walking back to my office I text Gwen to ask her a quick question then went inside my office to see Keith standing up looking out the window.  
“See anything interesting?” He turned toward me. “I didn’t mean to hurt Gwen or Simone” “Why didn’t you  come to me instead of spreading the pain around like wildfire.”  “I didn’t spread anything.” “What did you do with Simone, Gwen, and Jonah” “Your wife made me” “Why not come to me?” He stayed silent. “This was heartache that could have been prevented. Why did you listen to her anyway? All you had to do was tell me the truth I would have listened to you.” “Over your wife.” “Ex” “She always said you wouldn’t believe me.” “What’s the real reason you did all of this shit.”
“She found out I have a daughter and I got a divorce. Maddison said she would put the pictures up all around my daughter's school. Those pictures are very sinister and disturbing. Some were of another man with my dick in his mouth and some of us in various compromising positions. As well as me with strippers and hookers. I can't do that to my daughter. I didn’t want to do any of this but my hands were tied.”
I was disgusted and appalled at what Keith told me as he continued. “When I meet Gwen after a game she was a breath of fresh air in the middle of this hell that I was in amidst of. I never wanted to pretend to like or be with Simone. She is beautiful but she is not for me. It broke my heart when I saw the pain in Gwen and Simone’s eyes. I truly wanted to only be with Gwen and build a life with her. I even went to Maddison and begged her to stop because I wanted to be with Gwen and even then I knew conflict would have come into play between them.”
“Do you have anything to corroborate any of this?” “A few texts here and there some meetings set up.” “Send me all you have. Don’t worry about anything, but know when I need you, your ass better come.” I extended my hand which he took. “I’ll do whatever you need.”
After he left I heard my ping with a message from Gwen saying she was meeting Simone for lunch. I looked at the time seeing how late it has gotten and it was close to lunch. I decided to go meet with them to more so check on Simone.
Pulling up at Trappe Door I saw Simone getting out the car. I walked over to her. “Good afternoon” She looked surprised then smiled. “What are you doing here. I come to have lunch with Gwen, not you.” I laughed. “I came to have lunch with both of you beautiful ladies,” I say as we walk in. We spotted Gwen then walked over to her.
“Gav what are you doing here?” “I asked the same thing,” Simone said as I pulled out the chair for her then Gwen. Before I say anything or sit down my phone begins ringing. I saw it was my mom.
“Hey, mom.” “You and Maddison will not be getting divorced. She came here crying and begging for help.” “Mom” “Don’t you mom me Gavin Langford.” “Maddison is the best thing that has happened to you besides  Jonah.” “We are on our way,” I said then hung up the phone.
“Let’s go. Maddison has gotten to mom” Simone and Gwen got up and followed me out me. “Gavin, I am driving over and will probably stay can Simone ride with you?” She said with a smirk on her face. “Simone is that okay with you?”  Gwen asked. She nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine.” 
Arriving at my parent's house and getting out of the car. I went to open the door for Simone when she saw the pool house as tears spill from her eyes. I pulled her into me and held her tight. “I know sweetheart. I know.” I kissed the top of her head. She pulled back and wiped her eyes. “I’m okay for now.” “You sure.” “Yeah,” she says as Gwen walks up. “Let’s go in.”
Knocking on the door moments later my dad swung the door back. We walked in I could feel his anger.
“Gavin.” “Dad what did Maddison say” “She said that you are cheating on her and your co-worker is lying on her saying that he slept with her. Maddison would never cheat on you, Gavin.” “I am divorcing that bitch soon as I can. After the hell and pain, she caused Simone, Jonah, and Gwen. I’m done.”  
“What did she do to my grandson.” My dad said. “I told yall she said Simone had an abortion. Well guess who seen pictures of Jonah when he was born and even some after but remember she said MY SON WAS DEAD” I yelled the last part. I looked at Simone. She nodded for me to continue. I went to sit beside her holding her hand as I told my parents the rest.
Look at hurt and anger my parent held on their face as Gwen hugged Simone as she cried.
“This bet, all of this bullshit and Jonah is the one who paid the biggest price. A life without a father, a family. Simone now has to live with knowing what happened.” My mom cut me off. “My heart goes out to Jonah and Simone but what about you Gavin?” “That bitch will get what’s coming to her.”
“Make sure my Allen gets him too,” Gwen said. I saw the time I took Simone back to get her car. The ride was silent ‘til I broke the silence. “What can I do to take your pain away. To fix your heart.” She remained silent. “We will talk later,” She said as I open the door for her. I watched her get on the car and drive off.
I decided to go see if Maddison got the divorce papers and get some more of my clothes. Pulling up I saw her car. Walking in quietly I heard noises upstairs. I walked up to open the door. I chuckled to myself.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
Maddison jumped off of another friend of mine, Dylan’s dick.



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