Chapter 41

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                      {Two days later}  
Sitting in the parking lot of the school waiting for practice to be over so I can talk to Gavin when I see his and Simone’s son emerge from the door laughing and talking to some of his teammates. ‘sweet payback Gavin’ I say to myself. Getting out the car I walk up to them.
“Hey, your Jonah right” “Yes I am. Do I know you? You look like someone I have seen before.” “Well, I am your stepmother. I’m Gavin’s wife. My name is Maddison.” “Maddison that name sounds familiar” I watched him deep in thought. “You knew my mom didn’t you?” “I do. She is the best friend. I lo-“
“You what” I turned to see Gwen with a scowl on her face. “Hey, Gwen” “Bitch don’t hey Gwen me after all the hell you did. I’m glad my brother finally divorced you.” “Divorce. You said you were married to him.” “No. Gavin divorced her ass.” “Then why are you coming to talk to me,” Jonah asked. Gwen stepped in front of him. “You better stay the hell away from Jonah. Leave now Maddison or I will call the cops.” I stood there looking at her. “Come on Jonah” Gwen said as she took her hand walking off followed by the rest of the boys.
Sending a quick text I waited for a response, however, I saw when she came from another door. “Any progress?” “Jonah is talking to me but he is hesitant.” “Well make him unhesitant and fuck him like we agreed you would. What am I paying you for Nicole?” “Look I’m doing the best I can. Give me two or three more weeks and I will fuck him taking his virginity.” “Make sure you call me and let me know. I want to be there?” “Sure thing boss.” She said then walked off.  

“What was all of that about?” “You need to stay far away from her as possible. She is toxic and after all she to parents.” “What did she do to my mom.” “It’s not just your mom who she hurt. She also hurt your fa- Gavin” “He married her” “You really don’t get it to do you.” “Get what. You and your family think that your somewhat entitled to me but your not.” “you are so caught up in your own pain to the point you can't see anything. Yes, I know what Gavin said was wrong but its more to it.” “Like what” “This is something you need to talk to Gavin about.” “Why does everybody keep saying I need to talk to him.” “It's more that you don’t know. I get Gavin hurt you, I do, but don’t be so confined and intertwined in your pain that you let it become you. You want the answers to your deepest and most painful questions but scared to ask the only one who can give you the answers you want. You want answers from everybody but Gavin. Why are you so afraid of him?”  
“I’m not,” I say in a shaky tone. “Really your not. Then what are you scared of. It cant be the truth. You want that just not from Gavin. It’s so much you need to understand.” “I understand he didn’t want me.” “Do you know what happened after your mom left?” I stayed quiet. “It's more that you don’t know and will never understand. I will never say what Gavin did you or Simone right. You are so wrapped up in your own pain that you don’t see anybody else’s. It’s more than just you who are hurting, we may not be hurting like you but we are and that includes Gavin. Your pain is slowly becoming you and you aren’t going to be no good for anybody and if you want to remain this way then you might as well dig yourself you’re a grave because it's suffocating you and ‘til you cut that tie your just bit by bit killing yourself.” Everything she said was true but I can't do it some wounds are too deep to heal from. “I’m not being mean or rude I’m not even discounting your feeling but everybody is suffering.” I nod my head. “It will come a time whether you like it or not you're going to have to face this head on She wrapped her arms around me. “I want to take your pain away but it's not mine to take away.” She pulled away and kissed me on the cheek. “I’ll see you later. Make sure you stay away from Maddison.” I will.  
“Leave” “Gavin we are still married” “not for long I think it should be done tomorrow.” “We can fix this.” “Why were you with my son? And who is that girl you was with?” “I wasn’t with a girl Gavin. “Stay the hell away from family and me Maddison,” I say as then walked back in the field house to get my stuff to leave.
Deciding to go to my parents and check on them. Pulling up to their house I get a familiar feeling especially when I look at the pool house. I was brought out my thought when my mom opens the door.  “Hey, dad,” I say walking in to see Maddison sitting on the couch crying. “What the fuck do you think you're doing” “Gavin that’s no way to talk to your wife especially after all she has been through.” “What the hell has she been through. Besides all the shit she put me and Simone through.” “What did she do to you. Maddie said” “That bitch does nothing but lie. Tell my parents what you did. To hell what you did to me, what you did to Simone.” “Gavin let’s go home and talk about this and fix our marriage”
“What marriage. Do you know why I even got with you, to begin with, I mean before the marriage and all of that.” “Yes because we love each other.” “I wanted to use to find her.” I saw the look on her face. “I was never in love with you Maddison” “You said you were always in love with Simone.” “No, but who knows what could have happened now it's ruined.” She held her hand up to me showing her wedding ring. “I will always be Mrs. Gavin Lanford and after all, you did to her and her son she will never come back to you.” “Fuck you bitch” “We have plenty of times. Which reminds me I’m late Gavin.”



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