Chapter 87

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                          {A week later}

 “Jonah, Jonah.” I was cut out of my thoughts when Steve was waving his hands in face. “You were off into another world. What’s going on with you lately. You have been like this for about a week.” Reaching down to my trey of food to get something not feeling anything I looked down and saw all my food was gone. Looking at Steve because I know he is the culprit.

“You was in a daze I didn’t think you were going to miss your food. Here I have less than half of your cheeseburger left.” “It’s fine Steve.” “I have to fill up. My momma cooking and you know damn well she can't cook. Last week she said we having chicken pot pie.” He shook his head. “she mixed noodles, carrots, peas, and chicken together. I don’t know what the fuck that was but I – Oh, I forgot she said she added her secret ingredient. I know one think it wasn’t seasoning or something flavorful. I had my stash of food in my room tho.”
“What was the dish called.” He shrugged “inedible food.” “You can come over to the house.” I know. I told our parents I would at least have one or two dinners with my parents and still have open lines of communication with them. By the way where were you that day. I thought you would want to be there with me.”

“I knew what was going to be said and it was your time with momma and Gavin.” “Just say our parents. Where did you go” My mind went back to where I was. “JONAH” Steve yelled. “What’s up with you.” “Come outside with me” “And leave my food behind.” I looked at Steve. “You right. I can bring it with me.” Grabbing his food we both went outside sitting on the bleachers.
“Did something happen?” “I went and saw Maddison. She is supposed to be momma’ s best friend and she is Gavin’s ex-wife.” “Why did you go see her and where is she?” “She is in hospital.” “Oh, shit momma P beat her ass.” “No, she had some kind of accident I think.” “Okay, so what happened. Did she say something.” “She said that Gavin dragging his feet to marry momma because he really doesn’t want to.” “And you believe her.” “I wanted to know why she kept Gavin and I apart.” “Her answer was.”

“She thought she was doing what was best for me and momma. That he wasn’t and never would be a father to me.” “Let me ask you can you get water from a rock?” “No” “Why would you think the person to set out to destroy your family would give you answers.” “I don’t know I guess I thought if she saw me she would have some remorse or if she saw my hurt she would give me an answer.”
“Why look for answers when they aren’t any. You are looking for valid reasons its only one. He made a mistake he suffered just like you and momma P did. He had people tell him his child was dead. Can you imagine that.” Dragging my hand over my face. “She made me miss having a father Steve. I know he is here now but-“ “But what you need closer. Give it to her. When our parents get married. Show her she didn’t win.” “When she said he is slacking on marrying momma because of me she said deep down he knows you never will and he will never marry momma.”
Steve laughed. “She is one delusional bitch. He wants to build something solid before he adds more to the foundation if he don’t it's going to crumble and fall. He is trying Jonah and I know you are too but it's going to require more from the both of you. It wouldn’t be weighing this heavy on you if you didn’t think or now you could do more or do better. Gavin is putting his all into me, you, and momma. Break that final wall down and open up. Jonah, you are my best friend and vise versa but you and I know you won't even let me in. Your, not three looking for daddy or even 10 looking for daddy to come see you play he’s here. Now the question is where are you.”
“Come on we have to get to class. All the girls all on me. I can't take it” Steve says throwing away his food.  Then he stopped looking at the football field and the school “You know what I love about our parents and their relationship.” “What Steve.” “Look around and feel it. Their story begins here and you can feel the intensity of a game but the love that share overpowers it. They were apart for years Jonah, years and their love found their way back to each other with a part of them they never knew and that you.” I did was Steve said and looked around as everything invaded my mind. Things momma, Gavin, and Allen said. Memories became a movie reel. “I know I love them too,” Steve said as we walked to class.
After eating I was doing my room doing my homework. Stopping I went to my closet and found Gavin’s jacket that I still had. Holding on to it tightly. ‘He is here I don’t need to hug his jacket’ I say to myself. Putting the jacket back in the closet I went downstairs to see momma and Gavin watching a movie. Gavin was laying in momma lap and they were holding hands. They looked so timeless and perfect. Putting my phone on vibrate, I quickly took a picture of them quickly sending it to Steve. Slipping my phone into my pocket I went over to them.
“Hey, can I talk to you guys about something important.” Gavin sat up “Of course you can talk to us about anything.” Gavin said. “You said you wanted to wait and build a relationship with me before you marry momma right.” He nodded. “Why do yall, why do we have to wait to build. We have the rest of our lives to build a relationship. Why not get married sooner. We can do both, be a family work on our relationship as father and son. I’m sure you and momma still have some things yall need to work on and build so why not do it all together, we build as a family.”
Gavin looked at me then my mom. “I would marry your mom tomorrow if I could. I need to make sure you are okay with everything. I don’t want to cause you any more pain. I have caused you enough, not just you but your mom as well.” “Momma you haven’t said anything.”

“What brought this on.” I didn’t want to lie but I didn’t want to tell the truth. “I went to go see Maddison.” I held up my hand before both of them went off on me. “I know she is manipulative but I wanted to know why she kept me and you apart but never got a real answer and I want to show her we are family and there is nothing she can do to hurt us anymore.” “Jonah”
“I can't wait to see you get married. Let’s start planning.” I said with a smile and Gavin came over and hugged me tightly. “I love you, Jonah.”  What I said next surprised both of us.  

“I love you too”




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