Chapter 90

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                    {Three weeks later}

Sitting outside on the front porch ready to watch the sunrise I heard the door close behind me. Turning around I see my mom coming to sit beside me. Moments after she sat down I rested my head on her shoulders. “I know baby.” She kissed the top of my head. “I miss her too” “Momma” “What is it Jonah”

“How was I able to be so forgiving and receptive of grandma well your family and Gavin and his.” “Baby I can't answer for you only you can do that. It might because you knew what Gavin said and assumed they all felt that way toward you.” “I wouldn’t even listen. I didn’t want to. The hurt was too deep. When I saw them all the pain came like a category five hurricane leaving me more damaged.”
“Jonah, you're not damaged. You have suffered a lot and it stems from both me and Gavin. I could have tried again to reach out to him letting him know he does have a son; however, I didn’t do that. Gavin and I were kids and what he went through the year before with that woman I can see why he was apprehensive. Don’t get me wrong what he said and did was wrong it was but I have more clarity as to why he did it.”

“How did everything get so twisted the family that didn’t want me really did and the one I thought did end up causing me the pain.” “You have one family. Your parents, your grandparents that are still here, your grandmother watching you from heaven, two uncles, one aunt, and a brother you never knew you had. That’s a lot more than just me and you.”
“I went from no father to an NFL phenom who is.” Momma lightly laughed. “He would give it up for you, you mean that much to him.” “You mean we.” “In this case I mean you. Gavin is going to  tire himself out because he is going to try to come to every college game you play.” “But he will be playing.” “I know that. That’s how much he loves you, Jonah.” I was about to respond when the colors in the sky begin to lighten and transcend. As a soft gentle breeze blew I looked at the sky smiling. “Momma”

“I feel her presence too and I know she is proud of you.” We finished watching the sunrise in silence as another soft breeze came over us. “I miss and love you grandma,” I said softly as momma hugged me. “C’ mon you have school and I have work.” I stayed like this a few minutes more. “I love you momma” I said as I got up then kissed her cheek and went into the house.
Arriving at school I went to the field house to see Gavin and he was at his desk doing work on the computer. I knocked on the door he looked up at me smiling. “Good morning Jonah. You do know you don’t need to knock just come in.” “Other will do the same I don’t want special treatment because I’m your son.” He nodded. “Fair enough. Is everything alright? What’s wrong.” “Well since we have won all the games and we have this week off to find out who we are playing next week I was wondering if.”

Nervous I begin pulling on the straps of my bookbag on my bag. Gavin didn’t rush me to speak he just waited patiently. “If we could go out eat and talk tonight.” He smiled. “I would love too.” “I should have asked if you had plans or not I’m sorry.” “Where do you want to do go” “Not sure yet. Can I let you.” “Of course.” “Okay. I have to get to class. Thank you.” I said then left leaving for my class.
After school, I heard my name being called turning around I see a girl named Aya walking towards me. “Hey, Jonah. Is it true your dad is going to play in the NFL.” “He is.” “I thought they were just rumors. Since we are in English CP classes could you help me with the paper we are writing?” She said with a smile while twirling her hand around her finger. “How about no.” I heard Steve say. “Come on we have to go,” Steve said we left. “She pretty but she a hoe and gold digger,” Steve said.
“I got that feeling myself about her.” “You need to find you one of them Little House on the Prairie chicks. You know that cook but can't dress for shit. Dresses at the ankles that reach they eyeballs.” “Why” “The hell if I know, it just seems I should say something.” I gave Steve a questionable look.

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