Chapter 6

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Pulling up at my sister's house turning off the car taking a deep breath closing my eyes. Opening my eyes I see my sister coming out the front door I got out of the car walking towards her.

“Gavin, why didn’t you tell me you were having problems n your marriage?” “Excuse me” “Maddison has been at our parent's house and calling me.” “Maddison knew” “Knew what,” Gwen asked with her voice full of concern. “She knew about Jonah and she lies to me about it”

“How dis she even know” “Her and Simone were best friends. Maddison told me back in college Simone had an abortion” “Gavin” “Gwen doesn’t. My main focus now is Jonah.” “Were you with him? I didn’t mean to pull you away from him.” “I was with Simone, Jonah was gone.” “How is Simone? When can I meet her?” “Simone is the same still beautiful as ever in fact more.”

“Gavin” “Gwen I need to get home.” “Are you going to work things out with Maddison?” “Not tonight” getting in the car I waited until Gwen was back in her house then headed home.
Walking in the house I heard loud moaning and screams running up the steps the bedroom door to Maddison fucking herself with a vibrator.

“Are you enjoying yourself”

“Gavin” She tries to say in a seductive tone. She got off the bed walking over to me. “We need this. I need this” she says while unbuttoning my pants. “We need what? To fuck. Why”

“We need to reconnect with each other get out all this stress,” She says while stroking my dick. Just as she put the head in her mouth I pushed her back and off of me. “I’m good” Then walked away to the guest bedroom.

(next morning)

Hearing Gavin leaves for work I got out my phone listening to it ring. ‘come on pick up’. After the seventh ring, I heard his manly voice.

“What” “I need to see you now” “Maddie?” “Yes, it’s me we need to meet now, as in right now.” “What’s wrong? Is it Gavin. Maddie tells me he is my best friend.” Rolling my eyes.

“Gavin is fine. Look meet me at subway in Shaw.” “Maddie that’s two towns over.” “I know. Meet me their” I hung up before he could say anything else.
Walking into subway looking around I noticed Allen haven’t arrived and went placed my order and got me a sub. As I was sitting down the door open revealing Allen. He came over and sat in front of me.

“What’s going on Maddie and why are we meeting in secret” “You don’t want a sub?” “Cut the shit Maddison what is it?” I put my sub down drunk some sprite.

“Do you remember back in high school when you and I made the bet about the ninth grader I told you that she would fuck Gavin?” “Yeah, I remember. That was ages ago. Why are you bringing this shit up now?” “Neither one of them knows How much to keep your mouth shut?” “Why would you need to pay me off. Talk now Maddison or I am going right to Gavin?”

“Simone got pregnant kept the baby and she is back.” “What does that have to do with me?” “Everything is falling apart and it’s only a matter of time before we get caught up.” “You mean you get caught up?” “I love Gavin and I don’t want to lose him.” Allen started laughing.

“What’s funny” “Your scared. If Gavin asks I won’t lie to him. Why did you set all of this in motion?” “How much to keep you quite?” “you don’t have enough darling. Like I said if Gavin asks I will tell him.” “We are in this together Allen.” “That may be so but I’m not in as deep as you and if Gavin doesn’t forgive me at least he will know.” Allen then got up walking out the door.
Grabbing a sub for Gavin taken it to him at work. Walking into his office he was in with some other coaches. “Hey, baby I hope I’m not interrupting?” “We were just leaving” Once coach said as they left out Gavin’s office. “What do you want Maddison” Walking over to Gavin I sat in his lap. “Is that any way to greet your wife?” “I’m busy leave.”

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