Chapter 54

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Waking up feeling better than I have in a while going to do my daily hygiene then made Jonah and I some breakfast. While cooking I hear a knock and the door but before I get it Jonah yelled he got it. Hearing talking and laughter before it got quiet and Steve burst into the kitchen.
“Momma P Jonah said you cooking for us is it” “If by us you the mean the three of us then yes.” He hugged me tight as a spoon fell on the floor. Bending down to retrieve it I begin to get light headed and dizzy. “Momma P are you alright,” He asked full of concern. “Yes, I’m okay.” “You sure cause I talk you to the ER I’ll skip school for you Momma P.” Before I could answer Jonah stepped in the kitchen and spoke. “Momma why do you need to go to the ER? Is it your leg or the medicine.” “Both of you I’m fine soon as I finish cooking we will eat. “ “YESSSSSSSSS,” she says jumping in the air as Jonah and I laugh at him.
Looking over some new project plane I was cut out of my thought when heard a knock at the door. “Come in,” I say as I closed the folder up sitting it aside to give my visitors my undivided attention.  The door open to reveal Mr. and Mrs. Langford. “How can I help yall? Are you looking for an interior designer?” “No.” He said in somewhat of a harsh tone as his wife glared at him. “We would like to see our grandson” “He has a game tonight you can see him then.” “That’s not what we meant.” “I know but that’s what I meant. I will not force my son into anything.”
“We are his grandparents.” Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. “I know,” I say barely above a whisper. “You are the only grandparents my son have” “all the more reason for us to spend time with him” She says. I shake my head. “Jonah was with my mom when she died he is still dealing with that. When he moved here I had no clue Gavin would be here much less coaching his football team. He is still wrapped in his own emotions I not going to make this harder on him. For 16 years it was just me and him now everybody is saying what he should do and what I should make him do. I’m not going to do that he is old enough to make this vital decision on his own. Will I support whatever decision he makes, of course. Will I force him to make decisions to make others happy, of course not. Jonah needs his time and I am going to give him that.”
“We just want to know him” “Ambushing him is not going to get you any closer to him.” Look at them I can tell they are hurt. “Give Jonah his time, in time he will come around, pressuring him is only going to make things him and he shut down completely. The choice is yours.” “Doesn’t look like we have much of a choice.” Mr. Langford said. “I- well we just want him to know we love him and we are him for him and you Simone.” “Thank you, I greatly appreciate that,” I say with a smile.
“When Jonah was a baby he got the first football he did everything with it so when I took it away from him, he was devastated shut down, didn’t talk he wasn’t himself. I brought him a new football then gave him the other back and asked which one did he want, he said both. In the time after the hurt and pain Jonah will want ‘both’ families and just me. that’s what I’m praying for.”
“You did a marvelous job raising Jonah. Thank you.” Mrs. Langford said with a warm smile. “We have taken up enough of your time. We will be seeing you at the game.” Mr. Langford, I nodded. “You will,” I said with a smile as they said their good-byes then left.  Mrs. Langford stuck her head back in the door. “Jonah is worth the wait.” She smiled then left my office.

Sitting in my office as it seems the air was getting cut short I went outside to get some fresh air and take my mind off the game. When I stepped outside I see Simone walking in. I smile as I look at her as her eyes found mine she smiled back. Walking up to her I spoke “Hey”  “Hey how are you?” “Better now that I’m you. How is your leg.” “Its getting better.” I lean to ear “How everything else.” I said with a smirk. “Shut up,” she said playfully pushing me. “Seriously how are you though.” “I’m pretty good. How are you.” “Terrible” “Why what’s wrong,” she asked in a worried tone. “I’m just missing you and missing having you in my arms” Before I could reply Gwen walked up.
“You have had Simone long enough,” she says dragging Simone off to the bleachers as I laughed then went back inside.  I was about to walk back in when I saw Allen headed towards the bleachers. As I was about to go after him another coach called me inside.
After winning 57 to 37 the team was excited about being closer going to the playoffs. Headed into the locker room I was about to give a speech when I notice Jonah was quickly changing. When I heard  Steve “What’s the rush? Is it momma P?” “No, I’m meeting someone outside.” He said. I stepped back as Jonah walked outside, following behind him I see him walking towards Allen. My blood boiled.
Rushing I backed Allen into the brick wall behind him with my forearm in his throat. “STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SON” I yell. “He wanted to talk to me. “WHAT” I seethe “You heard me?” I looked at Jonah “why do you want to talk him.” “I know something happens to my mom and I want to know.” I dry laugh. “You asking the right one seeing as he caused most of the pain and heartache.” “What are you talking about.”  
“Tell him, Allen. Tell Jonah what you did to his mom” it was silent among us. “Tell Jonah how you wanted to be his pretend dad or better yet tell him all the perverted disgusting shit you did to her.” Seeing flashes of regret in Allen’s eyes I let him. “When you ready Jonah I’ll tell you,” I said.
“I want to hear from Allen, after all, he did save me.” “What are you talking about?” “At a party some weeks back a girl drugged me and he got me out of there.” “this is your ammo, Allen. What role did you play in this.” “He helped me. Stop with the fake accusations. He is a good person.” Looking at Jonah I speak again. “Tell him, good person, what you did with his mom.” “Gavin” Allen said in an unexplainable tone.  Then shook his head in a no motion. “TELL HIM” I yelled in his
“Your mom was somewhat of a bet. Gavin knew nothing about it at all. I declined at first then the deal got better.” “How,” Jonah said in an angered tone. “I was told I could watch and I did.” “What did you say” Jonah said in a shaky tone. “Gavin didn’t know I saw whe-“ Jonah punched him in the face taking some steps back Jonah continued to punch Allen. Pulling Jonah off of Allen “I got you.” I say trying to calm him down. “He’s not worth it.”
“You sick fuck,” Jonah says as Allen was getting back up. “Why come to help to make amends with my mom” “Probably to be your dad he knew about you before I did and was going to date your mom to be your dad.” “I would have been a better father than you. I didn’t tell her to kill my child.” Allen says as I punched him in the face.
Turning around I notice Jonah walking away “Jonah” I yell out. “Fuck both of yall,” he said as he left.



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