Chapter 37

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                   (Five days later)
Waking up praying for strength just to breathe as I prepare to bury my mom today. Letting out a deep breath I got up about to take a shower when I heard noise coming from Jonah’s room. Opening the door I saw him sitting in the dark. “Baby. You okay.” He continued to be quiet. I sat on his bed and we both silently cried.
“momma” “I know baby,” I said as he held me tight. “We have to get ready.” Hearing a knock at the door. “I’ll get it, momma.” Jonah got out of bed rushing downstairs. For the longest, I didn’t hear anything so I went down stars myself. “Jonah who is at the door,” I say walking towards the door. Looking up I see Gwen and Gavin.  
Gavin was holding bags of food and Gwen was holding white roses. Gwen must have seen the confusion written on my face. “We brought breakfast over for you and Jonah. Gavin got you these flowers.” A small smile graced my lips. “Thank you both. Come in” I say as Jonah and I move aside allowing them to come in. I found it strange Gavin has been sending cards, flowers and other things since my mom died and Gwen has been here with Jonah and me since mom died.
“Momma I'm getting a shower I’ll be back down in a little bit to eat.” “Okay baby. You alright.” He nodded and went upstairs. “How are you and Jonah?” Gavin asked. “It’s hard,” I say as tears spring from my eyes. Gwen engulfed mt in a tight hug. “We are here for both yall.” “Thank you” “We will be at the funeral. Do yall need anything.” Before I could speak. I heard Jonah. “I forgot to say thank yall for coming and bringing breakfast for us.” I smiled.
Gwen drove Jonah and I to the funeral because William made it clear he did not want Jonah or I in the family car.
{three days ago}
“Momma I. I don’t want to do this I don’t want us to do this” “ I know baby none of us to want to make arrangements for momma.” Getting out the car heading into the funeral home a different wave of emotion hit me. Suppressing my emotions I walked in to see William and my brothers with the funeral directors. The look William was giving Jonah was horrific seeing that he is still angry because my mom spends her last hours with Jonah.
Hugging both of my brothers I took a seat next Patrick. After all of the planning was done. Mr. Poone spoke.
“I need for everybody to be at the residence no later than 11:30 am and we will be over to pick yall up after 12.” “That mixed mutt and whore are not stepping foot on my premises. I will have them arrested.” “Dad mom would want them there.” Patrick said. “Good thing she is dead isn’t it.”  
Odell was about to punch my dad when Jonah stopped him. “THAT’S MY MOM YOUR TALKING ABOUT.” Odell yell. Then continued. “THE ONLY BLESSING IN HER DEATH IS THAT SHE IS FAR AWAY FROM YOU.” He says  “My wife loved me through everything. That’s the thing none of you yall can grasp she loved me. ME. SHE FUCKING CHOSE ME.” He yelled out as he begins to cry. “None of you understand our love. I am the one burying mine forever. She should still be here. We had ups and downs but she loved me. She loved US. We had two boys together.”
“If you loved mom so much and she meant so much to you why aren’t you acknowledging your daughter. The daughter she had for you.” “I never wanted the cum taking whore. My wife did and what she wanted I did for her.” “she didn’t want to have affairs on her yet you did,” Patrick said. William trained his eyes on me. “You can come to the funeral but not my house. You and that mix bastard child of yours can walk in with us only because our life long friends will be there and they know of her and I do not want my reputation to be ruined.” He said with disdain.  
Sitting in the car it was filled with silence before we heard a phone ping. Jonah got his phone. It’s Steve he said he is here. Jonah said barely audible. “Mom Steve also said the team was coming over after the services if that is okay.” “Yeah that’s fine some co-workers said they are coming over also. Shit. I forgot to get some food for the house.” “Don’t worry I can fix that. Can I have the key to your house.” I looked at Gwen. “Don’t worry just going to have everything prepared for after the services?” She said texting on her phone. As I gave her the keys pointing out the house keys.
During the service trying to hold it all in but failing, Jonah held me tight. “Would anybody like to say anything about our dear Patricia Blackstone.” The pastor asked. The room was silent besides sniffles and soft cries. “I do,” Jonah said. He got up and walked up to the podium.
“Many people don’t know me, I am Patricia’s grandson. The last thing I remember my grandma saying was the golden gates were opening up. Of course, she didn’t use those exact words but I know that’s what she meant. My grandmother loved sunrises and I was honored to watch the last one she seen. She described it with such ease and beauty but it was nowhere near as beautiful as sunrise I saw.” He stopped to take a breath and wipe the tears falling from his eyes.
“My sunrise was God birthing a new day with more enchanting and exuberating colors in the sky. See as much as I wanted didn’t want to and it broke my heart to see it but it also made me happy. She was dressed in white walking up as the golden gates up for her. God made that day special for His angel our queen. She always hated she didn’t get to see me play but I never have to worry about that now. I know I will have an angel watching me play and cheering me on. She said I was her greatest sunrise so now grandma when I watch the sunrise I will see you. They say the sun is a replica of our lives so if I am your greatest sunrise you are my sunset that will never fully go down.” He said as breaking down.
After the services walking in the house, I saw catered food all and drinks. I looked at Gwen. “I called my parents.” I hugged her. “Thank you.” Pulling away I looked up and saw Steve’s parents. “Baby we are so sorry for loss. We made you a Jell-O mold. “Thank you,” I say silently praying the colors to die down. After the eating and talking slowly people started leaving one by one until it was just Gwen, Gavin, Jonah and I. “I have to get going” Gwen said as she headed to the door. “Let me know if yall need anything.” She says hugging me. “I will thank you” With that she left.
Jonah was upstairs. Walking into the Kitchen I see Gavin cleaning up. “Go rest Simone.” “Gavin” I was ready to scream and yell but I just broke down and he wrapped his arms around me. “I got you,” he said as I cried.  
A while later I pulled away. “I’m sorry Gavin” “Why are you apologizing” “And thank you for the flowers and coming today.” “Simone Stop. You are the mother od, my son. This was your mom and his grandmother I wouldn’t be where but with you and our son.” I tried to speak but the pain was too overwhelming and I broke down again. Gavin kissed my forehead.
“I got you”  




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