Chapter 11: Just A Servant

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Orange's feet swayed back and forth, making a tap tap every time the heel of her shoes hit the chair. She sat hunched over, staring around the overly pink washed color of the room. She was sitting in her mother's chair where she had left her with only her pearl for company while she had a meeting with the other Diamonds, one that she had been pointedly told she wasn't allowed to attend, no matter how much she had begged.

Tap Tap

They were on one of her Mother's stations, near her Earth colony's system. She hadn't been allowed to wander the new station yet, not even with her pearl escort, having only caught a glimpse of it's exterior as they docked, the wait was driving her crazy. It was a new model, updated and made just for Pink Diamond, with the finest bismuths working on it. Pearl had babbled about how grand it was, perhaps simply to entertain her, but Orange would rather see it than be told.

Mother had gushed about how beautiful Earth was the entire way and Orange wondered if she would get the chance to actually see it herself or if her mother's overly exaggerated tales of it would be all she had to go on. She had personally seen one of Blue's colonies after a lot of begging (something she knew worked well after witnessing her mother throw a fit on more than one occasion), and the promise to remain with the guard detail Blue gave her. It had been more gems in her way than she had originally planned, but she still got to set foot on the soil and rock that was growing more gems, see what a planet under the wise and knowing command of a Diamond looked like. How the wild and untamed worlds had been terraformed to suit the life and growth of gems. It was spectacular to see, a sight she would never forget. With all of her Mother's talk about Earth, she wondered what kind of gem quality it must make. They must be beautiful and grand gems indeed.

Tap Tap

She knew it was because she wasn't supposed to go out into the public eye just yet, only a handful knew who she was, otherwise it was assumed she was a no name gem or she was blocked from view altogether by her guards. She noted that after the last two incidents, Amethysts were no longer apart of her guard detail, which was somewhat upsetting, considering they were a lively bunch to talk to in comparison to the Citrine and Prase escorts that were normally at her side nowadays.

Tap Tap

If it wasn't for Pearl standing beside her, she might have tried to sneak a peak outside. Just a little one.

Tap Tap

Orange began to hum, if nothing else but to make noise in the awkward silence that always came when it was just her and her mother's pearl. It was at this point she realized her silliness. She was with a pearl, most of their sole reason for existence was to entertain and be a showpiece! She turned to her left where Pearl stood with her hands in front of her, respectful and quiet as she should be. "Pearl?"

Said pearl turned fully to look at her, "Yes, your Clarity?"

"I'm bored. Sing for me."

It was not said as a request, and Pearl bowed to Orange with no question as to if she would obey, "Ah! Yes, at once, My Diamond."

Orange leaned back on her arms as she watched as Pearl's clasped hands raised to her chest and she began to hum a tune before opening her mouth wider and making louder, more harmonious sounds, all while Orange continued to tap her feet against the chair.

After a few minutes Pearl's song ended and she bowed to Orange once more, a little out of breath. "Was that satisfactory, my Diamond?"

"I guess." Orange shrugged, now looking around the room again, trying to find anything that might tide her over until Pink's return. Too many pillows lined the room for her liking, and the pink bubbles were starting to bother her nose as they drifted around her.

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