Chapter 40: Polished

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The doors to White Diamond's command room slid open, breaking the silence that normally permeated the room. White took her time looking at the large display screens she had up, the blueprints to a building she had ordered to be constructed nearby on one screen, the details from resources needed to the number of workers on another, and on yet another screen were reports from the Morganite overseer who was in charge of ensuring everything went smoothly. Everything for its construction was well underway and she was simply approving any final changes proposed by her head builders. White's fingers paused over a screen as the intruder neared and she finally adverted her eyes to look down on the gem in question, unsurprised to find it to be none other than her own pearl.

Pearl stopped a few feet in front of her Diamond, her arms bent into a salute as her upper half bowed slightly, her eyes adverted from the luminous brightness that was White Diamond. "My Diamond, Orange Diamond has sent me to request restarting her training."

"Oh? So she's decided, has she?" White was quiet a moment, staring off into the distance in thought before making a sweeping motion with her hand, causing the screens to disappear. "Bring her here, Pearl."

Pearl took a breath, her eyes falling closed. "At once, My diamond."


"Are you sure about this?" Pearl fidgeted as Orange swallowed another tablet whole, looking much more at ease than she thought she should be. "Orange, please. I-You need to be careful. If you anger White Diamond any further-"

"It's okay, Pearl." Orange set the plate down, looking over her shoulder to give Pearl a comforting smile, "Really."

Pearl was far from convinced and Orange's nonchalant response was only setting her more on edge. "You won't listen to me, even if I begged you to wait, would you?"

"I...Pearl," Orange turned, taking the few steps to stand in front of Pearl to reach out and take her hands in hers, giving them a squeeze that Pearl responded to with one of her own. "I need to do this." Orange smiled, "I'm ready. I can feel it."

"You do seem...a little better." Pearl acknowledged, her gaze falling down from her, "But that doesn't mean you are."

"Do you trust me?"

Pearl was quiet, long enough for Orange to hold her breath with growing unease before she looked back up at her. "Yes."

She released her breath, giving Pearl one of her most cocky grins, "Then trust me when I tell you I'm ready to do this. I'm confident I can do this right, this time."

"Just...don't be reckless."

Orange laughed, making Pearl smile at the sound. It was a relief, a small comfort, to for to hear. "It'll be okay." Orange promised.

"You keep saying that." Pearl pulled away from Orange's grasp, stepping away so that there was a respectful distance between them as her more professional facade fell into place, her hands clasping in front of her. Orange's smile dropped slightly, aware that Pearl was drawing that line between their friendship and her job as White Diamond's Pearl, the one she was required to wear when they were not alone. "If you are certain, then we should go. We shouldn't keep my diamond waiting."

Orange nodded, walking behind Pearl as she stopped to release the door lock she had put in place. As the door slid open, they were both surprised to find two carnelians leaning against it, both stumbling and falling to the floor as their support was suddenly taken from them.

Orange broke out in laughter at the sight, raising an eyebrow at the two gems as they scurried to right themselves. "5PX, 7PX."

Both Carnelians jumped, their faces a mix of embarrassment and shock to have been caught. "My diamond!" they both saluted.

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