Chapter 42: Hello, Goodbye

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Come on, come on, come-

"Oofff!" Orange Diamond grunted as the large grey fist ducked under her crossed arms and crashed into her gut, flinging her up and off her feet, knocking her backwards. Gravity took effect a moment later and she landed on her butt, falling back and sprawling out on the floor, her eyes wide and dazed.

"Three." Topaz J2 called, her arms crossed as she stood behind her partner, a cocky smirk on her face.

Topaz's partner, G9, grinned, her deadly fast fists resting on her hips as the two of them stared at their sparring partner, "We win, my Diamond."

Orange comically groaned louder as she sat up, her head falling back rather dramatically, so she was facing towards the ceiling with her mouth wide open and her eyes still closed, earning chuckles from the Topazes, "Thistime."

"And the last time." J2 added.

G9 cocked her head to turn her grin at her as they continued their banter, "And the time before that."


A loud voice, hoarse and scratchy,like she had come out of her hole screaming orders, which could have been perfectly plausible, broke their banter and drew their attention, breaking the lighthearted mood, "What are you doing!?"

The livid Iris Agate glared between the three of them, looking as if she was mere seconds from exploding. Despite being shorter than the Topazes and Orange, she was still incredibly intimidating, and managed to pull everyone's attention with her mere presence.

Orange rolled her neck, her legs crossing as she leaned forward to rest her elbows on her legs, being courteous enough to look up at Iris as she spoke, "Urgh. Iris, come on. You don't have to yell."

Iris' eyes widened as she bared her teeth in a snarl, and Orange wouldn't believe she could look angrier if she hadn't witnessed it herself before. "Yell? I haven't even begun to yell!" Iris held out a hand in J2 and G9's direction, "What was that?"

"Me...getting punched by a Topaz?" Orange answered sheepishly, sitting up a little straighter under the Agate's cool, pale eyes.

"Exactly!" Iris hand swung towards her, pointing a finger accusingly at the youngest Diamond, "You're too slow!"

Orange's face fell into a blank look, which she knew would make Iris angrier, but she could hardly stop herself from pushing her buttons. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

"What am I supposed to do with you? You're built like a quartz soldier, but you have all the grace of lumbering slate." Iris sighed, her hand moving up to pinch the bridge of her nose as she shook her head, "And now you're going to be going off and you're going to slack in your training. I'm going to have to start all over again!"

Orange took her time getting up off the ground, raising an eyebrow at Iris Agate, "Do you talk to all the Diamonds you know like this?"

"I don't see a Diamond here, only a whiney polished pebble."

Orange had to fight back a laugh at the haughty look on Iris' face, and responded in an even tone, "You know, you're taking that free reign to say whatever quite far."

Iris paused, her shoulders tense as she met Orange's eyes, her annoyed sneer dropping into a somewhat neutral frown. "Would you prefer I stop?"

"No, no." Orange waved her off, "where would the fun in that be?"

"Good." And that wide eyed angry look was back, "Then the Polished Pebble better get up and start again!"

Orange rolled her eyes, "Ugh. Iris, you are a personal slave driver."

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