Chapter 27: Training

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Orange's legs shook as she squeezed her eyes shut, one hand out in front of her as she concentrated on trying to find that familiar tug, trying to force something, anything, to the surface. "I...I can't."

White's ever constant smile appeared more condescending than its usual loving when it was turned on Orange. "You can and you will."

Sweat peppered and slid down from Orange's forehead, her skin a much paler Orange than it normally was, appearing almost light peach in the presence of White Diamond. Blinking open her eyes, Orange breathed heavier with the exertion being put on her body. "White, please. I'm so tired. My head feels like it's going to explode"

"Oh my little Gemling, our little Orange Diamond." White's tone took on a sickly sweet tone, "Is this the best you think you can do?"

Orange's eyes widened as she looked up at White, taking a step back when she met her eyes and saw the amusement dancing across her face. "W-White? Your scaring me."

"If this is all you can manage, how do you think you'll ever hope to help our wonderful Empire? Surely this isn't the best a diamond of your cut can manage."

"I'm trying!" Orange grit her teeth as she squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, "I just...I don't know how! I don't know how it happened. I don't know how I did it."

"Then think back, what did you do?"

"I just got angry!" She startled herself with her raised voice, as she hadn't meant to yell at White. "And I..." her voice became rough as tears formed in the corners of her eyes, "I destroyed my Pearl. I shattered Pearl."

"Orange, That is enough. I don't want to hear one more word about that Pearl!" White shouted, her voice penetrating and thundering in the vast room, "She is insignificant, a servant. She did her job, and she will be replaced. In time, that is. We can not get ahead of ourselves."

Orange glared up at white, "But I don't want to replace her! I..."her eyes fell to the floor between them, "I don't want to hurt anyone else, White. I'm scared."

"Scared of what? Of your potienial? Of being the most perfect you, you can be? Think of what you will become, my dear, when you master that power of yours. It's going to take time, yes, but it will happen. So, let's start again."

Orange shook her head, her eyes pleading with White as she looked back up at her, "Please, no. No."

"Orange." White's said her name in warning, Try again."


"Do it again!"

"I said no!" Orange screamed, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt a tug in her chest. The very air around them rapidly heated up, a bright orange light surrounded her as snapping energy that took the vague, contorted shape of a dome pushed out from where she was, the very air popping and hissing as it expanded in the small radius around her before blinking out of existence. Around her, the floor was scorched, black marks streaked across the white marble outward, leaving a small untouched area where Orange had been in the center of the dome.

White laughed heartily, her voice returning to its normally soft tone when she was speaking with Orange. "See? You can do it, you just have to figure out how."

Sweat dripped off of Orange's nose as she wobbled, fighting to stay standing upright, a ringing in her ears that told her something wasn't quite right. "White...I don't feel so good."

"Orange? What are you-" White was cut off as Orange Diamond fell to her knees and then flat on the floor, limbs sprawled out as she remained unmoving,"...Orange!"

White's Pearl was quick to get to the smaller Diamond's side, sliding down to the floor beside her and gently placing a hand to her head, and turning it so she could see her face. Through the simple contact with the younger gems body, she could feel the heat still radiating off of her, even through her glove. Inspecting her, she noted the way her long hair stuck to her skin, her cheeks were a deep orange color, a prominent shade against her unusually pale skin tone. Dark, almost gray circles were under her eyes that she could tell hadn't been developed in the time she had been in this session. Pushing on her shoulder, Pearl managed to move the heavier gem's body onto her back where both she and White Diamond could see Orange's gem in the natural bright light of the eldest diamond. No hairline cracks or discoloration, there was no issues Pearl could find, so she turned to look up at her Diamond's concerned face. "Her Gem is untouched. I believe she is only temporally inactive, my Diamond."

"I see. Very well, take her back to her chambers, Pearl, so she can rest."

Pearl stood up, saluting to White as she gave a short bow of her head, "At once, my Diamond."


Considering the gems of Homeworld don't have a concept of what sleeping and eating is, I find it highly amusing trying to dance around calling it that and figuring out what gems like the diamonds and pearls would call it when having to experience it with Orange. Mental gymnastics is fun for the for the whole family.

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