Chapter 47: Repercussions

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Yellowed sighed as she sat back, leaning heavily on the arm of her chair while pinching the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were starting to become tired of reading script, lines blurring into one another and she longed to get up to move around instead of just uncrossing and recrossing her legs. She did not care for the style of lounging chairs, but had allowed Blue to talk her into it, a mistake she would not make again any time soon. Looking up, over the top of the screens, she stared at the slightly distorted view of the partially completed colony, the defining colors of organic life pleasantly contrasted by the exposed rock that had been terraformed for her kindergartens. The thought of the gems that would be emerging soon reminded her of Orange, and her unyielding interest in them.

Orange had arrived, after spending more time than Yellow cared for with White, and yet she hadn't managed to make the time for her, even after pushing off her visit for what she had deemed an acceptable amount of time to complete what she needed. And while she justified to herself it had been because she still had important work that was time sensitive, she still felt a small pang of guilt settle her in the chest. Orange must have been so excited to return to her, she knew Orange looked up to them much more than in a literal sense, and she had only brushed her off. Of course, her work was important to her, but she should also take time for their youngest, while she still had the freedom to leave Homeworld before she returned to White.

Yellow cocked her head towards her Pearl, who looked up at her the moment she began to speak, "Pearl. Its time to take a break." Yellow dismissed her work screens, sitting forward and feeling the ache in her back from the long hours of sitting at an angle. "Go get Orange Diamond. I'm sure she has tired of the walls in her room already."

Pearl stood, bowing to her, "Yes, My Diamond."

Yellow watched as she trotted from the room at a quick pace, sighing now that she was alone and no one around to see as she worked out the tension in her back and limbs, relaxing back again to wait.


Pearl held her head high as she passed by multiple gems. Much larger than herself, but so beneath her, and her task.

Crossing through the warp room and into the side hall that held the main rooms just for the most important gems that would be here. While it hadn't always existed at this base, it had been a simple and quick thing to add a room for Orange Diamond, especially considering she was much smaller than the other Diamonds, minus Pink Diamond, and did not need a room the size her own Diamond did. It was also the first time the room was getting actual use, as the base had been made before Orange Diamond's existence and the room had to be added in later, and only recently when it became known that Orange would be with them at all. Nowadays, bases were simply made with another diamond room, as it would be a ten to one bet Orange Diamond would be occupying the base at some point in its existence. Though, with the knowledge Orange planned to stay with White Diamond for a while, Pearl actually felt a little let down that the young gem would no longer be there to talk her ear off, or gossip with her. Though, she supposed, it meant she would be able to fully concentrate on her work until she did finally return to them.

Taking a left from the hall, finding the room was was a simple task, considering this wing of rooms was purely for the Diamonds and Orange's was always marked with a small diamond shaped, centered on the door in her color, each half of the door carved to hold one half of the diamond symbol. She could remember the smile that stayed on the younger gem's face the entire day that symbol had been added to the architectural design and she had seen it. Orange was so young then, walking and talking on her own, but still not as tall as Pearl, and she had still been trying to imitate her. Now she was a giant to her, and much more a Diamond than she would have though she could have been when she had been required to shove tablets into her mouth just to keep her alive. How times changed.

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