Chapter 12: Understanding

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Orange was folded into herself, laying on her side with her knees tucked under her chin and arms wrapped around her legs, sinking into the middle of an extra large pillow on the floor that threatened to engulf her in its soft fluff. Orange hadn't moved since she had curled up there and cried until her entire body ached from the exertion of it, eyes puffy and wet from tears that kept coming, even when she didn't think she could possibly cry anymore. She was upset, and even angry, but she was mostly just tired. Not just physically, but mentally tired, and rest seemed to be eluding her tonight. Which meant she had spent more time staring blindly at the far wall that was irritatingly pink and bright.

It was this sight Pink was greeted with when she walked into the room, stopping in the doorway, eyes wide and looking startled as if she had expected to find an entirely different scene behind the door. Orange made no move to to acknowledge her and Pink stood awkwardly in the doorway, uncertainty wavering on her face as her hands fidgeted together in front of her before one dropped to her side and she knocked lightly on the side of the entrance.

"May I come in?"

Orange didn't so much as blink, continuing to stare blankly at the wall and keeping her back to Pink. "It's your station."

"And your room." Pink reminded gently.


Pink took a deep breath and moved into the room, the door closing automatically behind her, as she stepped towards the younger Diamond, "Zirconia?"

Orange responded with a snappish "What?", her arms tightening around her legs as she tensed when Pink's shadow fell over her as she came to stand beside her makeshift bed.

Pink glanced around the room, it looked very much like her own, pink pillows of various sizes, from large and heavy to small and decorative, all puffy and full, made of simplistic designs and styles littered the room. A dresser, some chairs, and a shelf were what made up actual furniture in the room. Here and there were carefully placed objects, knickknacks and souvenirs, gifts from their fellow diamonds from one point in time or another. A pretty rock that looked like it had come from an ancient asteroid, pockmarked and glittering with some unknown mineral. A small doll, handmade based on the off-placed stitching, one she remembered Zirconia carrying around for a time before she had decided to put it away so as not to damage it further in her travels going between them. A glowing orb, pulsing with colors and casting the far wall in rainbow light. A crystal figure, carved with a delicate hand so as to make the fine details of a face and figure of an unknown gem, weapon drawn and poised to defend or attack. Little things, scattered and on display, a showcase of love and thoughtfulness the others had for Zirconia. They were the only real proof she had that Zirconia had actually lived here when she was gone.

Pink turned from the items, looking to the younger gem curled up and looking more miserable than she had ever seen her. It caused a pain in her chest to know she had been a cause to this state. "I want to talk about what happened."

Orange finally turned to look at her, craning her neck to glare at her over her shoulder, "What's there to talk about? You made it pretty clear your pearl means more to you than I do."

"Zirconia!" She took a deep breath, eyes closing for a beat and then opening to settle her with a significantly calmer look and started again in a softer tone, " know that's not true."

She cut her eyes away as Pink sat down on the pillow, her weight shifting the pillow and causing her to slide closer to her mother. "Isn't it?"

Pink's hand pinched the bridge of her nose, "Zirconia, I'm trying here. Please."

"Fine." Orange huffed.

"I understand you and Pearl don't exactly-" Pink paused, thinking carefully about what she was going to say, before continuing on, "...get along. But Pearl is my friend, and you did say some pretty hurtful things. Would you say those things to Blue? Or Yellow?"

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