Chapter 33: Mama

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Another thing that came from a comment by the wonderful Cartoonman on Ao3.

A continuation of the fluff. Takes place before Chapter 2.


Pink lay with Zirconia beside her, the two of them lounging quite comfortably on a large, over stuffed pillow. Pink was on her side, Zirconia tucked up beside her on her back, staring up at her in interest as Pink talked to her.

"Come on Zirconia, you can do it." The older diamond said, exaggerating her mouth movements as she spoke,"Maaah muuuh."

"Nooo." Zirconia dragged out the word, imitating the way Pink had.

"I know you can do it. Come on, Maaahhh"


"That's it," Pink smiled, "you're getting there. Maaahhh Muh."

Zirconia's arm flailed, lightly smacking into Pink's chest, "No."

"You like that word, don't you?" Pink smiled softly, running the back of her hand across Zirconia's cheek. "You're not going to give into anyone, are you? You're going to tell everyone just how you feel. "


Pink chuckled, "Hello."


"You're so sweet." Pink pressed a kiss to Zirconia's cheek, making her squeal. "How about we try one more time? Can you say it for me? Maaah muuuh."

Pearl entered the room, a small pink container in her hands, stopping in the doorway as she watched Pink and Zirconia interact. "My Diamond, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get Zirconia to say Mama. Come on sweetie. Maaah muuuh."

Instead of continuing with Pink, Zirconia turned her head to look at Pearl as she stepped up to the large pillow, placing the small pink container onto the table beside them. "Hi!" Zirconia mimicked a waving motion Pink had taught her, gaining Pearl's attention.

Pearl looked at her, glancing up at Pink who was watching her reaction to Zirconia's attention, prompting her to respond with a smile. Looking back at Zirconia, Pearl smiled awkwardly, giving a small wave back to the child, "um, hello."

"Up. up!"

"Okay, okay." Pink gently grabbed Zirconia under her arms, lifting her into the air as she rolled over onto her back, "Up we go!"

Zirconia squealed in delight, laughing as Pink held her in the air over her.

"Hows it look up there?" Pink jokingly questioned, dropping orange onto her stomach before once more raising her into the air. "You like it when mama lifts you up, huh? Whoosh!"

"Maaaah!" Zirconia laughed, clapping her hands together briefly until Pink gasped, quickly returning her to her stomach.

"Thats it, can you say that again? Mahhhh-"

"Mahhh" she mimicked.

"That's it!" Pink sat up, sitting Zirconia onto her lap, crossing her legs to support her, "Oh, that's wonderful, Zirconia. Can you say it again? Mama. Can you say it again?"

"Maaa! Maaa! Ma ma ma!" Zirconia chanted, spurred on by Pink's happy response to her action.

"Yes! You're so smart." Pink picked her up, pulling her into a hug as she laughed happily with Zirconia. "You did it. That's right, I'm your mama!"

"Ma ma ma ma!" Zirconia continued, latching onto Pink as she grinned at her.

"My Diamond," Pearl cut in the moment, her voice quiet and looking at least a little ashamed to have interrupted, "It's time to give Zirconia her tablet."

Pink smiled at Pearl, not in the least bit bothered, "Okay." Pink turned her head down to look at Zirconia, her large bright eyes watching her, "Lets get you your food, and then we'll do something fun. How's that sound?"


Pink chuckled, leaning down to drop a kiss into Zirconia's hair, "I love you."

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