Chapter 32: Adored

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An extra chapter today!

The start of our fluffy little flashback chapters, to take the edge off all recent darker chapters.

Takes place sometime before chapter 2.


Pink held up the tiny gem up over her head as she made a whooshing noise, being rewarded with a fit of giggles for her effort, "Oh, you are so adorable, my sweet little Zirconia!"

Pink dropped her back down slowly, before pushing her up into the air once more, this time earning a squeal. Lowering her back down, Pink sat Zirconia onto her lap. "You like that, huh? Do you like flying, Zirconia? Maybe we can get you a ship."

Pearl, who had been standing beside Pink's chair while her Diamond gave her undivided attention to the young hybrid. Pearl was a bit perplexed by the entire situation regarding the hybrid and how Pink had come to decide she would assume the role that a human would to one of their young, despite not being organic herself or having real experience beyond watching similar actions at a distance or very short interactions with these wild organics. But, as much as it was a confusing thing to see, it was clear that it made her diamond happy, and Pearl could not find fault in that. However, Pearl had learned quickly that, as in all things her Diamond did, Pearl would have to caution her with her actions, both for her own safety, and the hybrid's.

"My Diamond," Pearl piped in, "I don't think Zirconia could pilot a ship, yet."

Pink hummed, glancing over at Pearl, "Maybe you're right." She turned back to the babe, returning the wide smile she was being given with one of her own, "Maybe in a few centuries? Can you wait that long?"

Pink did not think she could find anything cuter than Zirconia's toothless and chubby cheeked little smile. Zirconia's lips rounded as her eye began to wonder from Pink's face, her little body fidgeting in Pink's arms to look behind her, and making a grabbing motion at the stone desk.

"Hmm?" Pink glanced up at the desk in front of them then back down at her, "Oh, you want to get on my desk?" pausing a moment to consider, Pink nodded, "Well...alright, but be careful."

Gently, Pink lifted Zirconia up onto the desk, seating her in the middle. With a little strain, Zirconia managed to hold herself up with minimal wobble as she looked around, 'ohhh'ing and giggling at everything she saw from her new point of view.

"There. What do you think?" Pink questioned, before turning to look at Pearl, "Pearl, doesn't she look happy?"

"Yes, my Diamond," Pearl agreed, switching between looking Pink Diamond in the eyes while she talked to her and back to Zirconia as she began crawling around the desk, as they had yet to successfully get her to walk on her own legs yet. "But are you sure it's a good idea to allow her to be up there?" Pearl asked, turning from Pink back to the little gem, "She could-oh!" Pearl's eyes widened as she watched Zirconia looking over the edge of the desk in interest, unafraid of how high up she was or what was below.

Pearl was quick to lunge forward just as the young gem took the plunge over, her arms held out in front of her to catch her, "I've got her!"

"Zirconia!" Pink stood up, helpless to do anything more than watch as Pearl stumbled forward as she caught Zirconia just before she touched the floor, set off by the surprising weight of child before righting herself.

Taking a breath, Pearl walked back to Pink, carefully handing back the stunned child. Pink cradled Zirconia to her chest, "Zirconia, You have to be careful." she rocked her in her arms, attempting to calm herself down more than Zirconia, who had begun to tug on one of her gloves in interest. Seating them back in her chair, Pink looked up to her Pearl, "Thank you Pearl, for saving her."

"My Diamond, If I may say, I don't think it's wise to allow her to go wherever she wants."

"But..." Pink laid Zirconia down on her lap, giving her a small smile as she splayed out on her back, pulling a tuff of her own long hair from her chest to shove into her mouth. "I want to make her happy. I want to help her see and experience the world, not hold her back."

"Yes, but my Diamond, while that is very noble, she's just a child. One of the small ones, remember?" Pearl reminded gently, a smile coming to her face as Zirconia paused, her hair running over her nose and causing her to let out a loud sneeze, her face looking dazed after. "They don't operate very well on their own just yet."

"Hmm." Pink hummed in thought, "But look at that face Pearl." Pink held up Zirconia to Pearl's eye level, "Look in her eyes. She's so intelligent. She knows exactly what she wants, she just doesn't know how to say it yet."

Pearl blinked in surprised as she focused on Zirconia's hands, in between her ten little chubby fingers she held onto a small diamond shaped device. "I...My Diamond, she has the diamond communicator."

"Zirconia! Let that go!" Pink was quick to turn Zirconia in her hands, sitting her back down in her lap before gently prying her fingers from it. The little gemling responded by starting to fuss, her lower lip jutting in protest as Pink took her new toy. "How did you even get this?"

Pink turned the device over in her free hand, the other being used to lightly tickle Zirconia's stomach as a distraction to keep her from breaking out in cries, noting nothing had actually been turned. "Oh, good."

"I'll take that." Pearl held out her hand, taking the communicator from Pink and slipping it into her gem.

Pink sighed, hunching over slightly as she held either side of Zirconia's pudgy little body, "Let's not call them, okay? We don't need Yellow's ugly, grumpy, face yelling at us, Do we?"

Zirconia's only response was to gurgle, reaching up to run her fingers curiously over Pink's face.

"No," Pink laughed, "that's right. We don't want to do that."

"My Diamond, i believe its time to start on those reports. Blue Diamond will be expecting them soon."

"In a bit." Pink looked down fondly at Zirconia, lifting her up into her arms, placing her cheek against her own as she sighed contentedly. "Oh, Zirconia, I adore you."


Author: I'm of the thought, based on how Rose treated Sour Cream as a baby, Pink would have totally allowed Orange to do whatever she wanted, in the hopes to let her be and do whatever she wanted to do or be without someone telling her she was wrong for it. Pink would be super supportive in most things, no expectations to be perfect, or a great diamond. I also imagine Pearl has had to save Orange from many tumbles early in life.

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